Chapter 4

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We were happier than ever when he returned after a year. Everything went back to normal. Until it wasn't.

"Its finished!" I heard Elena sound so excited. I myself was too. For the past year, the two of us had worked so hard on this.

Our father had helped us add the final remaining touches on the smaller vehicle while I gave the gas a small push to hear its engine. "This is amazing.." I remember asking myself if I was in a dream. Building that car was something I had always dreamed of.

Papa let me drive Elena around the block in it. While it was the size of a normal car it was still a bit bigger than some strollers children were put in. All it needed now was some paint and designs. But that could wait for now.

He had only been home for about two weeks.

"I'll hope to see you all soon." He hugged us all, like he normally would. Elena or I didn't think anything of it. We just thought he was going to work for the day like he usually did. How wrong we were. I should have known by the way he looked at us before leaving.

The cycle kept repeating over and over again, sporatically. Sometimes he left for a few months sometimes he left for nearly over a year. It didn't get better once we got older. But at least my control over my emotions did. For the most part that is.


I was 17. Just shy of the legal age to fight in the war. Our father had recently gotten 'drafted' into 'the war'. We of course were to stupid to relaise that used his company as a cover for his actual reason for leaving. He was a smuggler. On top of that in the previous years he had prioritized working with Perseus. But I guess he decided to switch those up and chose his underground Russian smuggeling bussiness over Perseus. Supposedly it became one of the country's largest if that tells you how hard he worked for it.

I have no idea what acts of wrong he commited during that time, how many people he killed. Not that I can talk, killing people was my way of income for years. How ever many it was I can garuntee I trippled it.

Over the years I had seen Perseus around Moscow, sometimes we'd 'coioncidently' bump into each other. I had talked to him, vent to him about things I just couldn't tell anyone else. I considred him a kind, older man. That happened once every few months. I never asked for his name but I had asked him about the time he served with my father on our second encounter.

He had said that he was a hero, insane, but a hero. He saved countless of his men's lives and performed many acts that should have killed him. After the war they hadn't really talked much. The day he had talked to Papa in the park was just him telling my father about a job opportunity, he really wasn't involved in it. In fact he worked an in entirly different field of work. One thing I found interesting was how much they both traveled. I of course bought his tales. Idiot.

College was certainly an interesting experience. I had gone to get into the field of Physics and a little bit of biochemistry. The classes were a breeze. I had paper thrown at the back of my head at times. They envied my intelligence. I honestly don't understand why I didn't leave. Sometimes I hated it there because I really didn't have anyone to talk to. Kirk had gotten himself involved with the military field the same year I went to school. He asked if I would join him.

"I'm not built for it. I fear so much it would probably take years away from my life." I tried to tell him.

"You? Afraid? You always say things like this. How come you managed to save our necks a few times back in the day, yet you fear going into the Red Army? Those Americans can't really frighten you? Those Britts arn't any more intimidating either, you can't take a word they say seriously, with the way they speak." Kirk chuckled. We had heard this one British person speak over a television program and Kirk just began laughing, for no reason. I kind of always admired their speech but I will admit the way they said some words was quite humerous, but I digress.

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