Chapter 3

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August 1959

It was early that summer morning. Just at sunrise if not before. He heard subtle footsteps creep into his room. Then a gentle but rugged hand on the side of his head, followed by a light kiss on his head. He was barely consciouss for that. He heard the footsteps leave the room. A few moments later he heard the faintest sobs. There was mumbling back and forth between his parents. And then the door shut, and he could hear his heart beat as he fell back into a deep slumber.

Only when he had awoken a few hours later did he realise it was his father. He only wished he would have forced himself awake and spend at least the remaining of the morning with him. But in doing so he only would have dragged out the painful goodbyes even more.

Breakfast wasn't the same of course but they tried to not think about the negatives. Everything would be different, until it would become normal. He hoped their father wouldn't be gone long enough for this to ever become normal.

After they finished eating Anthony and Elena went searching for car parts. He had told her they would do this today. Partly because he wanted to take her mind off of everything, but when he looked back now he relaized it was his way of unconsciouslly coping with the matter.

"Keep an eye out for any sort of tire, rearview mirror,  and an engine." Anthony said as they roamed a small junk yard.

"I thought you had a mirrior?" The girl asked.

"I did but it broke."

They spent many hours searching. Suprisingly enough they made it out with a somewhat decent engine, ironically enough small enough to fit his car.

"Here bring the wagon over here." Anthony stood atop a pile of medal. He shoved the engine off the pile and into the cart.

"This things.... heavy." He said between breaths. His hands were covered in dirt and grime from the filthy peice of metal. He took a brake from pushing the cart.

"Yay!" Elena shouted, as Anthony finally reached their backyard.

He tipped the cart over as the engine rolled and landed in the perfect position. Elena handed him tools as he installed the engine into the car.

"Well at least we have half a race car." She giggled.

"Anthony, Elena." Their mother called for them.

He set down his epuipment as they both rushed inside.

"Would you to like to go pick up some bread for us. Aleks needs it to cook tonight." Their mother gave a warm smile.

"Of course!" They said in unison.

"Do you think they'll have sweet pops?" Elena asked as they walked down the street.

"You mean those loli pops. And I don't know, sometimes they do, sometimes they dont." He shoved the money his mother gave him into his pocket with one hand, his sisters hand in his other as they crossed the street.

Anthony handed the cashier a few coins to pay for their bread.

"Thank you." He said on his way out.

"They have really good candy Anthony." She chewed the the red looking taffy on their way out of the store.

"Elena we didn't-" Anthont tried to tell her but one of the workers did.

"Hey! You didn't pay for those candies!" The cashier ran towards them, his fist waving angrily in the air.

Unfortunate for them there was Militsiya officer standing out side the store. Once he saw them, he charged after them.

"You ate more than one?!" The boy asked as they ran.

"I thought they were free!" She said, innocent as ever.

They ran and ran until there was an officer who cut them off. He grabbed the girl by the arm and pulled her away from Anthony while the one behind them pulled him.

"Didn't you know you stole!" One of the men scolded.

"She didn't know!" Anthony pleaded.

"Comrades, let them go. They're just innocent children. I'll make sure they get home safe." A man with brown hair calmy approached the group. He showed the two officers a badge of some sort. It looked to be high ranking enough that they quickly fled away.

"Which one was it that did the theiving again?" Perseus kneeled down to the children, a kind smile.

"She didn't mean to,- it was an accident." Anthony stepped in front of Elena, sacred that this man would try to separate them again.

"Do not worry boy, I'm not here to hurt either one of you. Consider me a friend." He held out his hand for them to shake.

Anthony was hesitant at first. He reminded them of their father. The main difference is that this man had no beard. His features were sharp. He had such an off prescence about him, yet he was very kind.

"See, no harm." Perseus chuckled as he shook both of their hands.

Perseus walked them back to their home, something he insisted on doing. For whatever reason Anthony felt comfortable enough with this man to tell him about the race car they were building. Elena began to speak about it too.

"Well, quite a talent you two must have."

"What's a talent?" The girl asked.

"Did your mother or father never tell you?" He laughed.

"Our father- he's gone. Away on a bussiness trip. Said he has to go meet a "client" whatever that is. Boring bussiness paper work, something something something." Anthony said.

"Well, I am sorry to hear that." The man said apalogetically.

"We can walk from here now." The boy said, grabbing his sisters hand.

"Take care children." The man waved to them as they walked towards their drive way.

"Goodbye Mr!" Elena shouted with a smile.

How stupid he felt when he turned around one last time to remember this man from the park just the day before. His father had said they faught in the second world war together. He turned back around, still feeling eyes on him. He would save his questions for later.

"Just in time. Aleks was just about to start cooking." Their mother said as they walked through the door. "How was the trip?" She asked taking the somehow not squished bread.

"Kind of boring." Anthony lied, giving his sister a look, hoping she would follow along. Luckily she did and there was no further discussion on the matter.

Just about every day after that played out very similarly, except for the getting caught by officers and having a stranger rescue you part.

Their father had been gone for months. It was certainly a let down when he failed to show up for either of their birthdays. The night of her sixth birthday Anthony comforted his sister in her room, and for his ninth birthday she did the same. A simple letter just wasn't the same as being there in person.

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