Chapter 23

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Feb. 27, 1981
CIA Safehouse

There was a bang on the flimsy steel door behind his desk. Must be Woods and Mason, Adler had said to be expecting them soon. They supposedly had just finished up bussiness in Kiev.

Bell pulled the chain, rolling the door open. Woods and Mason drove their van inside, parking a bit closer to Bell's desk than what he would have chosen. Hudson opened the back door of the vehicle.

"Woods, Mason, Hudson." Adler greeted them with a handshake. He introduced them to the safehouse crew. "And this is Bell." He extended a hand towards his protige.

"Hope you don't mind us parking close to your space Taco Bell." Woods teased, getting small laughs from the others.

"We're going to get along great." Lazar gave Woods a fistbump.

"Bell." Adler called the younger man over to talk one on one.

"Given your current state right now, I hope you won't mind riding the sidelines for this one."

"What? No, I was originally planned for this op, was I not?" He protested.

"Along with Woods, you were. But then Volkov and his men happened." He referred to Bell's beating.

"My body has healed enough. I can perform in the field tonight!" Bell pleaded.

"But your not 100%." Adler said sternly.

"I'm your man for the job! Woods can't go alone."

"So Mason will go with him."

"Adler, I can't just sit around here and do nothing."

The man sighed. "Do you really beleive you can go in there and perform your best when your not at your physical best?"

"I know I can." Adler could see the determination in his eyes and for a moment he felt like he was a 27yr old soldier all over again. "Fine." He gave in. "But your taking Lazar with you."

"Sounds like a solid team." Bell said confidently. "You hear that Lazar?" Bell called out over his shoulder. "You and I are going to go kick some ass with Woods."

"Sweet." Lazar nodded.

Shortly after the group went over the mission details and extraction plans.

"We'll bulldoze our way out." Woods said.

"Well its set in stone then. Any questions?" Adler asled the group.

"Good. Everyone get prepped and ready. We'll leave in the next thirty." Hudson said

Adler called Park over to speak with her.

"Did you get rid of the Redeemer?" He lowered his voice.

"Yes. I sent it off to Hudson before he got here a few days ago. I'm not sure what he did with it, but Bell won't be seeing it again any time soon." She spoke cautiously.

"Good. I don't want anything triggering an episode of some sort."

Bell unwrapped the bandages wrapped around his torso. He looked to see the brusies weren't as dark compared to a few days ago. He hated these wraps. Deciding he had enough of them, he figured nobody would know or really care enough to bug him about it. He slipped on his navy blue uniform, followed by his black boots and grenn gloves and balaclava. He closed the door to his room and went to go stock up on ammo and weapons.

"Bell." Lazar called to him. "I ordered this in for you. Adler told me how you enjoy to run and gun. This a good gun for the job." He handed him a solid black SMG.

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