Chapter 8

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"I must say that I am quite impressed with your progress. Within such a short period of time you have proven to one of the best this organization has created in years.

"Let's cut the small talk shall we. Why am I here?" He raised his voice, sounding frustrated.

"No need to get agitated. Your being promoted comrade." Perseus clapped a hand on Anthony's shoulder.

"Really?" He smiled. "Thats.... Thats amazing." He said in awe.

"We're relocating you to a more suitable base, where you will be assigned to a team. Your training is over comrade. The real work is about to begin." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pistol. "Here, take it." He handed the weapon to the younger man.

"I thought these weren't real.." Anthony held the weapon in his hand, observing every curve on.

"No they are. Very few were produced but your father managed to get his hands on this Redeemer as they call it. This was the very weapon he saved my life and others with, countless times. He had given it to me years ago. I haven't spoken to him in years, but hearing about his unfortunate passing I figured the weapon would be better weilded by his own blood." The man wore the mask of sympathy well.

"I remeber you from when I was younger. Even before you gave me another shot.. I was about eight and we went to the park. We looked at each other, I was frightened a bit. When we got back in the car I asked Papa about you. All he would say is that you two fought in the war together. He never would mention anything else about you, no matter how many times I asked. The last time I asked him he got angry at me, yelled a little bit..." he paused staring at the weapon in his grip.

"Yes well, your father didn't exactly see our visions clearly. The goal of Perseus is to rid the globe free of the West's influences. In doing so we will bring a greater Russia, one that will reign even more powerful than it was in the Golden Age of our countries history. There can be only one major superpower, and Comrade Petrov with a skill set like yours we very well could take down an entire country in one night. When I told him about what I wanted to acheive he simply turned the other way, abondoned his dearest friend and chose to raise his family, I can't blame him for that. But then of course I get word of him being drafted into the army. Then I see the news." Perseus could see he was buying the lie. Had the boy known that Alistair had actually declined to continue his time at Perseus, his son might would have second thoughts. Especially if he found out he was the one who orchestarted his entire family's murder, the boy would for sure turn on him in a heartbeat.

"That fool... had he joined you he probably would still be alive right now. And he would be causing a greater change for the Mother Land here than he would as a simple soldier." He said coldly feeling a bit a resentment towards his father.

"Yes, well he was an impressive solider. It is a shame his vision was clouded." Perseus shook his head.

"My father had a reason to coware out. He had a family to raise and protect, even if the old fool wasn't around much. But I belong to no family, nobody to care for, not deeply anyways."

"And that is what will make you better than most people you come across. A man with nothing left to lose is a deadly curse."

"So where is this new base, and who's squad am I being assigned to?" Anthony asked, getting back on track.

"Task force 11. You will be under Stitch's command."

"You must not care about losing a man today sir do you?" Anthony let out a stressful sigh, a faint smile to hide his anger and fristration.

"You two may not get along well, but just as there can be only one superpower in this world there can only be one who stands by my side and right now he does."

"That will change soon." He said.

"Good, this organization could use a fresh face." Pentrenko finally spoke up.

"Organization?" Anthony asked.

"Perseus is not a single man. Do you really think one man can really remain hidden in the shadows for years by himself?" Pentrenko asked him.

"I started this organization but there are others who help me run it." Perseus said.

"Those men that I saw that day. Was that them?" Anthony raised his eyebrow.

"Yes, they too seemed delighted to hear about someone like you. There will be time for a proper introduction between you and them later." The truck stopped.

The two of them got out of the truck, leaving the driver and Pentrenko inside. "You have done well Pentrenko, another success." Perseus tipped his cap to the man. "Go get to the chopper I will be there in a moment." He told Anthony.

"We ran a few blood tests while he was unconsciouss during his recovery period." Pentrenko leaned in lowering his tone. "Whatever Alistair found in that realm, it has genetically transmitted into the the boy. I advise you run more tests to find out about this ... whatever it is." Pentrenko seemed uneasy about the matter.

"Send me samples of his blood, I will have my scientists look it over and we will go from there."

"Yes sir." The man replied.

"Very well then. Oh and see to it that his friend... Antonov is taken good care of. It wouldn't be good for our reputation if he discovered his friend got the bad end of the stick. I know you understand." Perseus smiled.

"Of course, sir." Pentrenko replied before the driver shut the door and got back behind the steering wheel.

"Nervous Petrov?" Perseus chuckled, getting into the seat beside him and putting his headset on.

"I'v never flown before sir. Thats... all" he let out a shaky sigh, looking straight ahead towards the pilot seat.

"You will be fine. Just don't vomit in my helicopter." Perseus assured the younger man.

"I forgot to ask but won't Antonov be coming with me?"

"Antonov?" Perseus scoffed. "Antonov is a decent soldier but he still has much to improve on. Not to mention his lack of obedience, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. I realise he may have been a great friend to you but friends are not forever, neither is family. If you wish to be the best then you cannot let anything or anyone from holding you back." The chopper began to take flight.

"Sir, I think I'm about to fall out of the chopper." Anthony said with a panicked voice. "How long till we get there, I really don't feel secure!" He raised his tone a little bit, his grip so strong on the saftey straps that his palms were white.

"Soldier, did you bring the sedatives?"

"Yes sir." The man in the passenger seat said.

"Hand me one, something, just to shut him up." Perseus grabbed the needle and reached for Anthony's arm.

He was talking to himself, trying to calm his nerves. So caught up in his fear that he wasn't focusing on the conversation around him.

"Your going to be ok Petrov." Perseus said sliding his sleeve up.

"What?" He turned his head to feel the needle in his arm. He gussed Perseus wasn't aware of his even larger fear of needles either. It didn't matter. He didn't have enough time to speak before he fell unconsciouss.

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