Chapter 22

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CIA safehouse
Feb. 25, 1981

He heard someone open his door. He reached over to his nightstand for his pistol and aimed it not even thinking about where he was. He didn't care.

"Daniel." Park said gently, raising her hands to show she had no intention on drawing her own weapon.

He kept his weapon on her, his hand shaking. Fear was painted on his face.

Each step was taken with care as she inched closer. She slowly took the barrel of his gun and moved it aside, until the weapon was in her possession.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled.

"It's part of the life we live." He was behaving quite unlike himself this morning. She suspected something may have triggered feelings or possible memories in his mind. Perhaps she could get him to talk about it before Adler did something about it. "What's bothering you?"

"Why is Perseus looking for me?" He asked her, confused. "I don't even know him."

"Well you and Adler did nearly capture Perseus years ago. One of the very few who were able to. He probably remembers you and wants you out of the picture." She lied.

"Maybe." It didn't make sense to him. If that were true then Volkov or Kraus would have for sure killed him. He bought into another lie and brushed the idea away. "You know I don't even remember decrypting that intel after we went over DaNang. Adler claims I did but I have no recollection."

"You can remember, I think your just tired is all."

"Did Greta make it out alright?" He sat up a bit too quickly, a grimace forming on his face from his ribs.

"Shes fine. We let her retreat to safe and disclosed location where she can lie low for a bit."


"Its a wonder you didn't get her killed." She teased.

"How do you mean?"

"I've come across many people who would never had put up with a joker like yourself."

"Thats why I take advantage of the ones who I know will tolerate it."

"Your taking advantage of me?"

"No." He laughed nervously. "Can I ask you something?"


"How long have you known Adler?"

"We met back a few years ago. I was sent to protect British scientists as they met with the CIA for a joint project. Adler at the time was a key figure involved and so while we had different duties we somewhat worked alongside each other. Although this time around we're working more closely." She explained.

"Do you trust him?" He looked at her, a blank expression on his face.

"I don't trust anyone."

"I trust you."

"You shouldn't."

"Then why work with Adler?"

"I was assigned to him. It really wasn't up to me. Adler isn't the worst collegue I've ever collaborated with but, he's certainly not the most pleasant either. He can be fairly easy to agitate."

"Beleive me... I know." Bell said, his brain fetching and feeding him false memories.

"Whatever you do.." she looked behind her and back to him, lowering her voice. ".. never ask him about his scar."

"Well now that you mention it, how did Adler get that scar?"

"Do you really think if I knew I would tell you?" She tried to fool his brain with her choice of words.

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