Chapter 26

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Bell was able to contain himself for what he would consider record time. It had been approximatly an hour since Park had left him in his room. He spent the time reading comics brought to him by an employee there. Star Wars, Spiderman, Batman, and even James Bond comics had all been read. He thoroughly enjoyed them. But they didn't hold his attention once it was done with.

He pulled out his uniform suit from the thin locker in the corner and tossed it on before he opened his door and proceeded out.

A short trip to the lost and found for more comics couldn't hurt. As he walked the carpet halls, people either gave him a quick glance, or ignored him all together. He backtracked when he passed the room containing loads of files. Much like the CIA had, containing all their secret projects and agent profiles. He grew curious and ventured into the room. What info did MI6 have on him? Perhaps it would help him recall his time here better.

The room was lit with lights around the edge of the room. On one side of the room, the file drawers were labeled "Ops" while the others were labeled "Agents". He strode along the left, his feet moving softly. His eyes scanned the files as they went along alphabetically.




There. He paused and placed his hand on the drawer labeled with the 4th letter of the alphabet. Before he opened the drawer, he hesitated. A small voice in the back of his mind beckoned to him, telling him to go no further. It was a pleading whisper to turn around, a silent killing of his urge to know more. But thats not what he wanted. What was this? He furrowed his brow, his hand still stuck on the handle of the drawer. Why was he feeling conflicted? It only made his interest peak more. What was he thinking to be so special about a list of names? Especially his own?

The drawer slid open with a screeching yawn. Bell cringed at the noisy sound.

"Dan Creed... Danny Lane.... Daniel... Daniel Bullet... thats a cool name." Bell said to himself as he rummaged through the files. Suddenly he felt someone's prescence near. He had eyes on him.

"Hey." A woman's voice called. He turned his head to the right. An agent he hadn't seen before stood in her own uniform, a file in her hand. "I've not seen you around here." She eyed him. "And I know all the pretty faces around here." She smiled. "You must be a new one?" She approached him. The woman seemed to be a year or two younger than he if not the same age.

"No, I used to be stationed here in London... in this facility." He added. He closed the file drawer, silently cursing to himself.

"What's your name?" The blonde lady asked, a light smile on her face as she touched his forarm. He didn't know what to do. Inside, he wanted to scream, run away. He suddenly felt the need to shower 100 times over. While she did have good looks, he simply wasn't interested.

"Daniel!" He heard a familiar voice call from the entry way of the room.

"Shit." Bell mumbled, walking into the center of the room.

"What the hell are you doing back here?" Park awaited an answer.

"I...." He fumbled for a beleivable answer.

"was looking for me." The other woman finished for him. She looked at him, with a glint in her eye, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Looking for... comics." He lied to Park. It was a lie he told to himself even before he left his quarters. Something drew him to this room. His intentions had always been to snoop. But for what? And why? He didn't know. "Please... don't touch me." He told the other woman awkwardly, stepping away.

"Jori..." Park sighed with frustration. "Your drunk, who let you in the building?"

"Nobody let me in. Don't worry about it, I just needed to pick up a file for tomorrow." She slurred.

"Daniel, go, I'll meet you in the quarters. I've got to get her out of here." Park said.

"I'll be there." He replied.

"And stay there this time." She groaned.

"Goodbye Danny!" The drunken lady hugged him.

"Goodbye." He said shortly, shoving her away to leave.

When he arrived at his quarters, he kicked his shoes off and undid his tie. He threw himself onto the bed and turned the TV on. The screen played a re-run of Star Wars Episode 5. While there were only 2 made, in his opinion, this one far exceeded the last one. Seeing films on tape long before the public got the tapes was a perk of being an agent.

His eyes felt like they weighed more than any weighted barbell. He heard the movie play in the background as he fought the sleep.

"Where are you?"

"I guess you don't know eveything about women yet."

"What is this place?"

"Its like something out of a dream..."

He didn't even hear her knock at his door. He tried to hold his weighted eyes open as sat up in the bed.

"How many times have you watched this movie?" Park asked him, sitting on the edge of his bed. He was too oblivious to notice the small kit with syringes and MKUltra formula that she sat by his bed.

"Enough to recite every line." He looked at her then to the screen. "Sometimes when I watch this part, hoping that there may be a different outcome, but that would be impossible." His tone was filled with sleepiness. It was only the light from the TV that had his eyes focused enough to see her and the screen.

"That's not true! That'snimpossible!" The two watched the film for a moment.

"What are those rays of light called again?" She asked. He didn't even feel the needle penetrate his skin. She set the syringe back in its case, no attention being drawn to it whatsoever.

"Lightsabers, the weapons used by the Jedi. And the evil-" he stopped explaining when he saw a grin form on her face. "What?" He looked at her.

"I forgot that you could be such a nerd." Her smile was contagious.

"It'll be cool someday. Cooler than it is now."

"Sure it will." They both giggled.

"What happened to our drunk friend?" He asked her.

"Jori. She's alright. I took her back to her quarters and told security to keep an eye on her."

"It took a bit longer than I was expecting. I finished half the movie, I was begining to worry." He turned his gaze from the screen to her.

"You were worried?" She remarked with a smile. "Have you been drinking?"

"We can write it off as that, sure." They held each others gaze. His blue orbs got closer and closer until they shared kisses.

"Look! Someones up there!"


"Punch it!"

"Son, come with me.."

"Why didn't you tell me?"


They parted. The liquid dosage seemed to be taking affect. He fell asleep seconds later. She left, writing his report and daily evaluation, including his dosage for Adler to read once they returned back to Berlin. He always read them and sometimes had follow up questions. Something told her he was about to have a lot of them. Not because anything crucial changed about Bell's psychology, but because she was entrusted with the world's last shot at preventing the loss of hundreds.

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