Best Friend

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[Lucius is a legilimens in this story]
f/c ~ favourite colour
Today is the day of one of your husband's very famous parties, this also being the first party you're throwing together as a married couple. Lucius wasn't showing it but he is excited to throw this party with his beautiful wife.

As Lucius got yours and his formal wear ready for the party he called out for his house elf, Dobby. He came in, terrified., "y-yes Master?"., "get me and Mrs Malfoy a nice hot cup of tea"., Dobby looked at you and saw you were still asleep.

"But Dobby sees that Mistress Malfoy is asleep"., "excuse me. ..."., he glared at his house elf., "...Did you just talk back to me?"., he seethed., "no sir. Dobby would never"., he whimpered in fear and hurried out down to the kitchens. "and tell Draco to get up"., he called out.

You shifted about and sat up., "mmm, Lucius, honey, is everything okay? Why are you yelling?"., Lucius turned to you and smiled, putting down the dresses he got out and walked over to you, kissing your cheek., "sorry sweetheart. I didn't mean to wake you".

"It's okay, I'm sure it was time for me to get up anyway"., you chuckled and stood up, walking into the connected bathroom. "Y/n, when you come out I want you to come and have a look at some of the dresses I have picked out for you"., "I'll be right out, honey"., you called out.

"Is Severus coming?"., "well he doesn't want to but yes. He'll be coming a bit earlier than the others, I hope that's alright"., "of course it is, what time will he be arriving?"., "at around 10am. I didn't want to be by myself while you were out today so I'm going with him to get some last minute items for Hogwarts"., you said as you washed your hands and dried them.

You got into the shower and immediately felt relaxed as the droplets of hot water hit your skin. Lucius walked down to the dining area and sat a few seats away from Draco. "Are you packed for Hogwarts, Draco?"., "yes, Father. Dobby helped me pack"., "good, good".

"So where is she?..."., Draco scoffed as he rolled his eyes., "...Did she finally leave?"., Lucius sighed and shook his head., "she, Draco is your stepmother and you will treat her as such"., "she is not my stepmother".,  "Draco! That is enough!"., Lucius snapped, glaring at his son as he saw you walking up the stairs.

You smiled at Draco and sat next to Lucius., "good morning, Draco"., Draco just took a bite of his food and Lucius looked at him., "Draco, Y/n said good morning"., "oh, did she? Never noticed"., you sighed and shook your head.

"I think I'll just go and get ready for Diagon Alley. I'll see you upstairs, honey"., you rested your hand on Lucius' hand for a moment, smiling at him. As soon as you left the room Lucius clenched his jaw and again, glaring at Draco.

You opened the bedroom door and sighed, shaking your head and walked over to the dresses., "okay Lucius, what outfits have you chosen?"., you muttered as Lucius walked in and put his hands on your waist., "well I have picked-".

You jumped a bit and he chuckled, kissing your head., "how long were you there for?"., you questioned., "just a few seconds"., "here you go, Master Malfoy"., Lucius let go of your waist, turned around and glared at Dobby., "do you not know how to knock?".

Dobby cowered in fear, you looked at your husband and sighed, walking up to Dobby and grabbing the two cups off of the tray., "thankyou, Dobby"., you smiled at him and he smiled back., "it is Dobby's pleasure, Mistress Malfoy".

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