Breakup (2)

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e/c - eye colour
Severus sat in Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop at the table where are you and him always used to sit at with a cup of Earl Grey tea in his hand, warming his palms as it was snowing outside. He missed you so much and has regretted what he said to you every day since.

He has never loved anyone else, how could he when you are on his mind 24/7, still very much in love with you. Elora came over with a piece of lemon meringue pie. "Is there anything else I can get for you, Severus?".

"No thankyou. ..."., Severus shook his head and sighed, standing up., "...I should get going back to Hogwarts"., she looked at him confused., "you're not still going to Hogwarts are you?..."., she said as she picked up the plate and cup.

He sighed and shook his head., "I happen to be 28, Elora. There is no student in Hogwarts that is 28 but I am the Potions Professor and I have some difficult potions to brew so I best be going"., "okay, well stop by anytime, Severus, you know you're one of Madam Puddifoot's favourite c- annnd he's already gone".

She sighed shook her head and starting to walk into the kitchen area. "Oh dear. ..."., called Madam Puddifoot., "...Was that Severus leaving just now?"., "yes it was, is it just me or has he been acting weird lately".

"No, no dear he's not weird he just misses Y/n"., "yes but that was like 11 years ago when they broke up"., "dear oh dear, true love doesn't fade, it leaves you with a permanent scar, one that doesn't heal so easily and he my dear is still very much in love with Y/n".

Elora nodded and put the lemon meringue in the bin., "speaking of Y/n I saw her just a couple of weeks ago"., "oh that's wonderful!"., Madam Puddifoot beamed, clasping her hands together., "she got married about two months ago and she has two children".

Madam Puddifoot gasped., "she has two children!"., "mhm! Yep!..."., Elora nodded., "...I know, I was shocked as well. Nell just turned 11 and Edward is 2, they're absolute sweethearts"., "oh I would love to meet them"., "well Y/n said she might stop by this week"., "I would love it if she did, I haven't seen her in so long".


Severus arrived back in his potions classroom and gathered the ingredients needed to make enough healings potions to store back up in the Hospital Wing and for a few other potions that his personal store is running low on.

It was a few more days until school was meant to start but Dumbledore sent a letter to Severus to tell him that they were running low on healing potions in the Hospital Wing and asked if he could go back to the castle a bit more earlier to brew some more and Severus begrudgingly agreed.

You walked in to the castle grounds with your daughter, Nell and your husband, Sirius Black with your second child in his arms, Edward or as you's call him, Eddie., "it's still as beautiful as ever, hey Sirius?"., he looked at you briefly and smiled.

"It is"., he looked at Eddie and smiled, pinching his cheek and went back to supporting him with two hands., "you see Eddie, look at the castle"., he turned his head and pointed at it., "it's big!"., Sirius chuckled and smiled at him, passing him over to you.

He looked at Nell and knelt down, giving her a reassuring smile. "You ready for this, kid?..."., you smiled and put your hand on her shoulder., "...It's okay if you're not, Nell. We'll figure something out"., "No it's okay, I'll do it"., "attagirl"., Sirius smiled, giving her a hug.

He stood up, kissed you on the cheek, and all of you starting walking into the castle to see Professor Dumbledore. You thought you could home school Nell, you started teaching her at 10 but now you and Sirius had busy schedules she had to go to school. Nell is a bit nervous but you and Sirius had a talk with her and she feels like she's ready to start.

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