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Sorry if my writing of a colour blind person isn't that great. I don't really know what it's like - comments about this would be helpful, I really don't mean to disrespect anyone.


It was raining when Nico di Angelo first laid eyes upon Will Solace.

He walked through the rain - Nico hadn't been bothered to bring an umbrella, and it didn't show on his black clothes anyways if they got wet. Not really. It was only the difference between a charcoal sort-of black and a night kind-of black, and of course he preferred the latter. Darker black was the better black. Always had, and always would be.

When Nico explained his logic to passers-by who seemed extremely confused and concerned by his lack of concern for his dripping wet self, they gave his attire a perplexed glance, before walking off hurriedly.

It always happened.

It was how Nico learned he was colour blind, after all.

At least today, Nico could be sure that yes, his clothing was black. It was absolutely, most definitely black. It was a guarantee. Because the clothes he were wearing now were his 'uniform' as a barista.

He worked an afternoon shift at the café, when not many people came. Although he liked to get there at lunch - Nico didn't like people that much, but people-watching was a fun activity. It was interesting. He liked seeing what people ordered, although his colour blindness made it slightly harder. He enjoyed judging people. The family argument at table five? Nico could memorize every single word. The girl from table six has a crush on him? Nico moved to the opposite of the café. The old couple at table two need, order recommendations? Nico listed all the meal deals in his head.

Taking a sip of his coffee, Nico was about to stand up and go to the bathroom when somebody caught his eye.

Walking in was a tall blonde - maybe a guy with light brown hair? Nico didn't know - with sun-kissed skin and baby blue - well, okay, probably blue - eyes. He had an easy smile on his face, and talked to the current barista casually - it even looked like they were flirting, although he had looked oblivious. His eyes were like the sky - that Nico was sure of - a beautiful contrast to his golden-or-whatever hair. Nico had to admit that this guy was rather hot.

Nico tracked him around the café, noting his order - an iced chocolate - and his behavior.

He walked out without ordering seconds, smiling at an old woman who he had helped with a crossword, before donning a coat and crossing the street.

Nico was slightly disappointed he had left before his shift had begun.

The rain wet the blonde's hair, making it shinier and glossier.

- - - - - - -

It was raining when Nico di Angelo first talked to Will Solace.

It wasn't the most romantic of encounters.

The blonde seemed to like the café, because he returned repeatedly to have his every movement scrutinized by Nico. Almost every day for about ten weeks.

It was routine. Nico would make himself comfortable in his people-watching chair, and watch. Then, at around noon, he would come in, with the same casual smile on his face, the same twinkle in his eyes.

This time, however, he came during Nico's shift.

Nico was staring at the door dreading his next social interaction, zoning out, when a familiar crop of golden hair - yes, definitely golden - entered his sight. He thought he was hallucinating - no, the sky-blue-or-sky-grey eyes were there as well. So were the tanned skin and the surfer's build.

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