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Will watched as crimson bubbles emerged from his footsteps and popped behind him, exploding in bursts of coral pink.

Normally, Will liked to play a game of guessing what people did and what they were like from the colours that he saw, but today, he wasn't in the mood.

With a sigh, he adjusted his grip on the briefcase he was carrying, before stepping foot inside the marble-and-gold foyer of Apollo's mansion. A gold-edged red carpet rolled up the stairs and towards the reception desks, and the gold-framed windows with their white curtains tied back with golden tassels provided an astonishing view of the estate. Will could just make out the stables with their specially-bred equine occupants.

The receptionist looked up, and seeing a familiar face, smiled before she returned to whatever she was doing on her computer.

Kayla Knowles and Austin Lake, the former with a bow and quiver on her back and the latter with a saxophone case, emerged from the elevator engaged in conversation. Will watched his adopted siblings as they headed towards him.

Austin was the first to notice him. "Hey, Will!" he exclaimed with a wave. "What a coincidence!"

Kayla turned and saw him, nudging the dark-skinned boy. "He's our brother. It's not even that special, Austin."

"Yeah, whatever." He bounced towards Will. "Wanna go for a game of basketball? Or maybe volleyball! I wanna beat the Victor twins next time we play them." Austin's posture was outlined with glowing navy-blue lines that rippled every time he spoke like sound waves.

Will looked at Kayla who had a smile spreading from ear to ear. "Will!" She grinned, radiating a silver glow. He wouldn't've been surprised if she joined Artemis' cult of charity workers or whatever with their colour palette of silver and their motions to protect the environment. She didn't seem the type to settle down with a partner.

Apollo's twin sister really was a wild card.

It was funny, if Will thought about it. Everyone called her Artemis, but being their dad's sibling probably meant they shared the same last name. After all, Will didn't know whether Artemis was a given name or a surname, and given the laughter that the name 'Artemis Apollo' would receive he wouldn't be surprised if she were hiding said surname.

He realised Kayla was still waiting for a response, her silver aura with its slightly solidified laurels shimmering in what appeared to be concern.

"I am Will," he said in agreement.

Kayla laughed, the tension breaking, her aura returning to the intensity that it usually watched. The green tips of her hair bobbed as she threw her head back - Will's synaesthesia made the shock of colour glow so bright they could've lit up an underground cave. "How's it going? Last time I saw you, what?" She furrowed her brow in concentration, unable to remember.

"Last time you saw me, you had won that archery competition."

Austin blew appreciative raspberries - the kind that would actually make nice sounds had he performed them on his saxophone. "Olympics level girl, this one!"

"That's actually my goal," Kayla said, fingers dancing in her hair. "I want to go to the Olympics for archery."

"Oh." It appeared Austin didn't know that. "That was just the only competition I knew of with archery in it." Kayla mimed slapping him on the cheek, and Austin pretended to be dramatically hurt, eyes filled with mock betrayal.

Will had extremely stage-worthy siblings.

Unlike him, who couldn't perform even if it were limited-edition Star Wars merchandise on the line.

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