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Will stared in horror at the figure on the black-and-silver motorcycle who had come to pick him up from university.

Nico's colours were more withdrawn than before. The green had almost disappeared. The blues were...icier, that might've been the word. Everything had a silvery tinge to it, no not silver - grey. The oranges that Will associated with openness had completely melted away. Everything was duller.

Maybe he was worrying too much, but Will hoped Nico was okay. He hoped the change in colours meant nothing, even though they usually did.

Will wondered if he was catching a glimpse of his boyfriend's world.

"Hey! Mr Dark Lord!" Nico took off his helmet and put it under his arm. "You here to pick me up?"

"As if I'd do anything for you, significant annoyance," Nico grumbled as he walked over, putting his black leather gloves in his pocket. "How was your medical whatever?"

"My 'medical whatever' was great, thank you very much." He sighed. "Although my professor's still trying to talk me out of it. They might even force me to stop working towards my degree, at this rate." Will kissed Nico lightly. "Don't worry, I'll find a way to convince them. I'm not giving up."

Nico went quiet for a bit. "Why...why don't they want you to become a surgeon?"

The question took Will by surprise. "I'm sorry?"

"Why are they trying to convince you not to become a surgeon?" His mind appeared to be elsewhere, in the distance. "You're better than most of your class, and I've never met anyone as passionate. So why you?" Nico's eyes refocused on Will's. "They shouldn't be trying to discourage you, of all people."

"Oh, my little death boy," Will said, touched. "You know how people say you can't do things because of your colour blindness?"

Nico nodded. "Yes, I do." Will berated himself for using that as the example. It was stooping a bit low, he reckoned.

"It's similar for me. For my synaesthesia. People...people think that seeing extra colours and shapes will hinder my abilities, and that's not good since one mistake could kill someone." Will shrugged. "It's pretty solid logic, I guess. Anything different could mean their teaching methods won't work."

"But you specifically," Nico insisted. "Your synaesthesia."

"What about it?"

He hesitated. "It's...it's..." Nico struggled to explain. "It's different."

"Yeah?" Will barked out a laugh. "Everyone says that about themselves." He watched as a soft golden glow intensified behind Nico's icy aura. There was still colour within. That was a relief.

"I - I don't know, it's - it's..." Nico looked confused and frustrated. Will recalled that Nico's first language was Italian, not English. Sometimes his boyfriend slipped up and said the wrong word - once he confused a saucepan with the casserole within, because 'a saucepan's called a casseroula in Italian' - and other times he just forgot words entirely. Suddenly, Will heard his phone ping, then again, then again, making Nico's eyes light up in interest. "What is it?" The phone pinged repeatedly.

Will read the texts, Nico's head peeking over his shoulder.

HotStuff🧨: hey sunny D can u come to the hospital

HotStuff🧨: you know the one

HotStuff🧨: I was playing around in the workshop and I ACCIDENTALLY set it on fire

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