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Nico felt slightly dizzy.

He walked into the room where he knew Will lay sprawled out on the couch, waiting for the food he knew Nico was preparing. On a plate, he carried two toasted ham, cheese and tomato sandwiches - nothing special, but still food he knew Will loved.

When Will came into view, Nico saw him look up at him from the couch with what appeared to be an expression of concern, maybe worry.

Nico wondered what his boyfriend was thinking.

Earlier, he had panicked when Will had asked to see his arms, afraid that he had figured it out. Will didn't get angry though. He seemed to be buying the excuse that his injury was an accident. But Nico doubted the excuse would hold, not when his boyfriend was a medical student who could easily see the truth behind the lie. Such a wound was probably impossible to get by accident anyways.

He really should've thought it through.

If Will was concerned, if he was starting to suspect something...then Nico reckoned he should probably start going home again.

He didn't want Will to worry.

This was Nico's problem to solve, and Nico's alone.

Plus, what would Will think? What would he think if he found out his emo and introverted boyfriend wasn't only emo and introverted, but harboured suicidal thoughts? What would he say when he realised Nico didn't care for his own life, let alone someone else's? Nico loved Will, more than he loved himself, but he doubted Will would think of it that way. If he couldn't love himself, then how could he love another person?

"Here's your food, annoying person." Nico gave the sandwich to Will, before sitting down next to him and eating his own. Maybe food would help with the dizziness.

They finished their breakfast in silence.

Nico pretended not to notice all the glances Will sent his way.

"Will...Mr 'I'm-the-manager-listen-to-me' Jason asked me if I wanted to take an earlier shift today - apparently Piper's looking for some other job prospects." Truth. Piper and Jason had maintained a healthy friendship as exes, and she had a job in the Little Duck while she searched for other work opportunities. "I should go now, to beat the rush." Also true - traffic around the coffee shop was quite bad at around ten in the morning. "I think I left my badge at home, so I'm going to go get it." Again, a truth, although Nico had a sneaking suspicion that it was in the pocket of his jeans.

He would never lie to Will. At least everything he had said was true, even if lies were behind them.

"Always speak half-truths if you have to lie." Hades said, drawing circles in his coffee with his spoon. "Then, at least, you won't get in trouble if someone thinks you're lying. Truths are much more refined weapons than lies."

Nico locked the memory away.

He wasn't following his father's instructions at all. He was just trying to keep his boyfriend from worrying. No, Hades' words meant nothing.

"Okay." Will yawned. "You gonna take the motorcycle?"

"Yeah. I'm staying at my place tonight too." Nico attempted a smile. "I should give you some time to work on your papers and whatnot."

Will nodded before standing up. Nico turned away to gather everything he was going to take back home. He didn't know if he had imagined it, but Will's gaze seemed to linger longer than usual, his usual calm exterior misted over with something that seemed like unease. In Nico's peripheral vision, he saw Will's eyes narrow slightly, as if trying to figure something out.

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