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Nico set his phone down with a sigh, tossing his head to face the ceiling as he closed his eyes.

God, why had that been so hard?

It shouldn't've been. Will was his boyfriend. They could talk about anything with comfort, that's what close relationships were for. They were at home in each other's company. They protected each other - they were in a godforsaken relationship, the kind that ended in marriage and living together for the rest of their lives, goddammit.

So why had that phone call been such a struggle?

He brushed the hair out of his face, before getting up to check what fashion options he actually had to offer. It would be embarrassing if Nico realised that he didn't have anything to give.

The bandages that Will had done the day before peeked out from underneath his jumper. He'd have to ask Will to redo them and find something that could cover them reliably. From what he knew of Apollo, he was a flippant yet smart person - Nico didn't want to risk him joining the dots. Nico doubted Will's cheerful and happy family would appreciate Will dating a person who couldn't keep a hold on his own sorrows.

He'd have to put up a front. A relatively happy front. Nico doubted they would be against emo and goth, so he'd just go for that. It wouldn't be especially hard anyways.

He wasn't going to let some person figure it out by accident when Nico couldn't even tell his own boyfriend.

- - - - - - -

"Nico! I'm here!" Will opened the door.

Nico looked up as he rubbed his eyes, smiling when he made eye contact. "I can see that. You want to try things out now?"

Will shrugged. "Sure, why not? Might as well, I can take it home."

"That's a good idea." Nico stood up from where he sat cross-legged on the floor. "Let's see what I've got."

His boyfriend nodded. "And if any of it is in my size."

"Oh shut up."

Nico went to the couch of velvet and looked at the piles he had made. Suits, ties, pants, shirts, in order of the the size on the label. Will followed him, his eyebrows raised as he scanned the piles of clothing.

"Damn, sunshine, that's one hell of a collection." He whistled appreciatively. "And most of it don't look half bad."

"Got a preference?"

Will's eyes flicked between each pile. Nico wondered what he saw - what colours each piece of clothing was. If he had been a normally sighted person, he'd probably have arranged the clothes in colours. Red, Nico had heard, went well with black. Anything went well with black. But you wouldn't wear red with, say, neon green. Not unless you wanted to make that sort of fashion statement, which Nico reckoned Will was not.

And what about his special colours? Could Will see those in the clothes as well?

Nico didn't know.

He often wondered what it was like to not only be able to see colour, but to be able to see excess colour. To see colour so much it was considered odd. Different.

"You got anything planned?" Will asked, snapping Nico out of his thoughts.

"No. I can't see the colours, so I thought you could help. Just in case I make a social blunder." Nico noticed that he had injected more sarcasm than he had intended into his voice, and winced inwardly. It wasn't Will's fault, he genuinely wanted to know if Nico has planned a certain outfit.

Will picked up a suit jacket, one of the smaller ones - Nico's size, presumably. Then, he retrieved a lighter shirt from beneath the pile of shirts. For Nico's benefit, he commented, "A dark blue suit and a light blue shirt. Think...for the suit, think blue like Bohemian Rhapsody. And for the shirt, maybe...maybe In My Dreams from Anastasia!" Will exclaimed triumphantly.

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