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Will opened the door cautiously, before letting it swing open the whole way.

His professor sat at a simple work desk, black glasses about to fall of his nose. Professor Carlsson, a study in health. Although his hair was greying and wrinkles were beginning to form around his eyes, he still kept the figure of a man in his early thirties. His aura was a confident orange, with little sunspots of black - this man was self-centred, he thought he was the sun. Yellow aurora-like patterns flitted around him like curtains, inviting Will to draw them open to let in the sun.

"Professor?" he asked.

Aware of his presence, Carlsson looked up. "Ah, Will! It's lovely to see you!" He stood up from his table and extended a hand. Will shook it. "Please take a seat."

Will did as he was instructed. "You wished to speak to me, sir?"

"Yes, yes I did." He adjusted his glasses. "It's about your pursuit of the degree."

Will straightened. These meetings were weekly occurrences now. Carlsson would try to talk him out of becoming a surgeon, and Will would politely decline whatever offer had come up. He braced himself for some new argument targeted at his synaesthesia. It was the synaesthesia, he knew. No matter how often Will topped his class, no matter how often he got full marks, no matter how often he proved himself capable of pursuing this career choice, Carlsson's steadfast views didn't waver. He thought the synaesthesia, the colours, was a hindrance. A liability. Something that would affect Will's abilities.

"I called another professor in. I believe he's slightly late." Will blinked. Another professor? "He isn't currently teaching the subject, I believe, although he does have a degree in it."

"Do you mind telling me who they are, sir?" Another professor. Maybe if I could just win him over...

"There's no need. I can introduce you in person." Right on cue, the door opened again, revealing a possibly-older-possibly-younger man in a wheelchair. His attire was more formal than Carlsson's - he was wearing a traditional suit and tie. His eyes were a piercing brown, and his brown hair was thinning. A scruffy beard hung from his chin. The silver wheelchair glinted as he moved towards them, stopping next to Carlsson.

Will had seen this professor around before, but had never learnt his name.

He was nice. He helped Will when he couldn't contact Carlsson for some reason or the other. He sometimes popped into the room to retrieve a folder or ring binder that he'd left there.

"Will, this is Professor Chiron; Chiron, this is Will." Professor Chiron offered Will a hand, and Will shook it firmly. A firm handshake always left a good impression, Will had noticed.

"It's nice to meet you, Will." Chiron had the charming smile of a Hollywood actor, and his eyes twinkled with a hint of youth.

"Likewise, Professor."

Carlsson coughed, making both of them turn to face him. "Please sit." Will sat, whereas Chiron just let out a low chuckle. "I wish you could've met under other circumstances, but Chiron, I'm afraid I called you here on a more serious matter." Were Carlsson and Chiron enemies or something? It wasn't often his professor was so formal with others, especially other members of staff. "It concerns Will's future."

Chiron nodded, his relaxed expression unchanging. "I gathered that from the email you sent me. Do you mind telling me the specifics?" With a jolt, Will realised this question was partially directed at him - Chiron had looked between him and Carlsson.

"Not at all. So - "

"I would rather Will here describe to me the nature of this matter." Chiron's eyes didn't leave Will, making him uncomfortable.

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