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Nico felt like vomiting.

His stomach hadn't been sitting right this entire time, and by the looks of it Will had noticed his lessened appetite. And if Will had, then chances were that his father had too. That must've been the basis for the conversation, a 'friendly chat'.

Well, that was unless Will had said something.

He wasn't that hungry either. Hades had...unusual mealtimes, to say the least. Nico had so wholly adjusted to the ones of a normal human being that dinner at four seemed unreasonable. He was surprised that Will managed to deal with it so easily.

His day had always started around four in the morning. Hades would wake him up early. And it would always end at five in the afternoon. His father said it was because he knew that Nico preferred the lighting that came with the earlier times of day, and Nico had believed that. Why wouldn't he? Hades had just been a doting father, one who had gone to extreme lengths to make his son comfortable.

Except he hadn't.

Later, Nico found out that the real reason behind Hades' odd timetable was his business. There were no sentimental reasons, there was nothing fatherly.

Hades had just wanted his son out of the way when the big guys came.

It had all been to guarantee that Nico wouldn't be there when his business partners came. It was to ensure that Nico wouldn't be used as leverage, or that he knew of what Hades was really doing. To make sure that Nico still felt safe.

But he didn't anymore.

Staring at his food with a passionate vengeance, Nico mulled over his choices. Go with it and see where that led him? Why, he would not be in a worse state than before, but it wouldn't improve his situation either. Deny it? But Nico would still be stuck in this awkward dinner, behaving awkwardly and doing awkward things.

It didn't leave much of a choice, but the process of elimination had certainly helped.

Nico was going to have to somehow extract himself from this place and cut all ties with his father while doing so.

An obstacle, but not one Nico couldn't get over.

Or burn down.

"Will, I think we should go. I forgot about that appointment I made - you should've stopped me, Will." Nico stood up, and his father didn't stop him. Hades was used to his behaviour, something Nico regretted. Slightly, but still regretted.

Will looked confused, but he went along with it. He stood up also, and bowed.

Hades seemed slightly disappointed by this, but he stood up and bowed as well. Nico just stood there awkwardly.

"That really is a shame. Please, do come again. Would you like me to provide - "

"No, we'll be making our own way back."

Nodding, Hades pushed his chair in, eyes watching him coolly and curiously. It was clear he wanted to know why Nico didn't want to talk with him. Well, he probably thought it was the prospect of a talk that had triggered his sudden desire to leave - probably saw through the thin lie of a forgotten appointment - but would go with it if only to put up a front for Will.

Shame Will already knew everything.

As he showed them to the door, Hades offered a hand to Will, which the latter took hesitantly. He was unsure has to what was happening, and was just following what Hades and Nico did.

Then, Hades offered the hand to Nico.

Nico punched him in the face.

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