Sometimes we break -death is a part of life

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hey guy, this is your author....

so yea, i am maybe more sad than you people  that this book is over, honestly this was a journey for me.

make sure to check out my other solangelo works ( i have a oneshot book). also thank you for going on this journey with a parting gift i hope you enjoy this oneshot...

p.s : i hope the last chapter wasn't too sad


Nico was just getting into bed when he heard the front door unlock. He heard familiar footsteps and smiles. Will had been working a lot of odd shifts lately, and Nico had hardly seen him all week. But now he was finally home, and Nico would finally be able to cuddle his boyfriend to sleep.

It takes a few minutes for Will to make it to the bedroom. Nico had left a note out that dinner was in the fridge, and he assumed that Will was probably hungry. He hears the microwave start as the footsteps get closer to the bedroom.

"Hey," Will says softly. Nico thinks he looks exhausted, and it wouldn't surprise him. All of his shifts lately had been at least ten hours long, only time for a small nap and some real food before he was back to work again. "I didn't think you'd be up still."

Nico shrugs. It wasn't too late, and he was more of a night person. (he'd also lost track of the time as he'd been catching up on some shows.)

Will sighs as he sits down, leaning over to kiss Nico's cheek. Nico could feel some stubble lining Will's jawline, another consequence of not being home too often. He kisses Will while he takes off his shoes, relaxing into Nico's touch.

"I've missed you," Nico says. Will hums.

"I've got this weekend off," Will says. Nico smiles. The weekend is three days away, and Nico can't wait to just spend some time with Will. "I was thinking we could go get that ice cream that you really like. Or go hiking."

"That sounds wonderful," Nico says. The microwave beeps, and Will gets up to get his food. Nico follows him, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. He makes small talk while Will eats, just enjoying his boyfriend's company.

By the time Will has finished eating, his eyelids are drooping heavily. Nico smiles, gently guiding Will to brush his teeth. Then he helps Will into his pjs and into bed. Will sighs as Nico kisses him softly.

"I love you, Nico," he mumbles. Nico laughs. Will's never been one for staying up late. Nico pulls the blankets over them, giving Will one last kiss for the night.

"I love you, Will."
Nico's chopping vegetables when he hears the front door open. Which is strange because Will shouldn't be getting home until after dinner.

"Will?" Nico calls. He hears shuffling footsteps, and then Will is standing there. His eyes are red and puffy, and he's shaking. Nico quickly puts down his knife, going over to take Will's hand. "Hey, sunshine," he says softly.

"I couldn't do it," Will says. "I couldn't save them." He holds up his hands like they say everything, but Nico understands. He gently guides Will over to the couch. And then Will's sobbing. Nico lets him cry, knowing it's good to let the pain and frustration out. He brushes back Will's hair and rubs his back.

"It's not your fault, Will. It's never your fault," he says. It's a burden being a demigod. They have so much power over the world, and still, the world has that much more power over them. They can stop monsters from rising and the earth from splitting, but they can't always stop death. And that's something they've all had to learn the hard way.

"She was just so young. And her parents- gods, I couldn't even tell them." Will sniffles, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. It's kind of gross, but Nico lets it slide. "And what good does that make me?" Will asks. "I was born for healing. I could have saved her. I should have."

They've talked about this before, the limit of their abilities. Will's overdone himself before, and that had scared Nico more than anything. His nightmares had always been filled with horrific battles or quests gone wrong. He'd never imagined Will just simply handing his life over, for the sake of another life. And while Nico understands the need to heal and to save, he also now understands the fragile cycle of life and death. He's seen it so many times.

"You did everything you could have, Will. You can't sacrifice yourself to save someone else." And he knows that's one of the hardest lessons Will will have to learn. Because it's true. Death is death. One life for another is still death.

Will takes a deep breath, nuzzling into the crook between Nico's neck and shoulder. He places a soft kiss on Nico's collar bone. "I wanted to," Will says. "Because she deserves so much." Will's endless capacity for compassion and love was one of the things Nico had fallen in love with. But there had to be a balance.

"But I didn't because I thought of you," Will goes on. "I knew the minute she was wheeled into that room that her chances were low, but I still tried. And maybe I could have saved her, but maybe I'd've lost something, too." Nico hums.

He doesn't pretend to fully understand the delicate balance of life, but he's learning to accept it.

"You've saved so many people, Will. And sometimes it's important to give ourselves a little care." Will nods. It's not a perfect fix, and Nico doesn't have all of the words that Will needs to hear. But they have each other, and they'll be able to get through this.

"Shower?" Will asks, and Nico smiles.

He gets the water running while Will undresses. When they'd first started dating, Nico would have never thought they'd be here. Living in their own apartment, having their own jobs outside of being a demigod, taking showers together. He smiles when Will steps in behind him.

They don't speak. Nico just silently washes Will's hair, running the soft sponge over Will's freckled skin. It's intimate in a way that sex can be, but it's also different. It's not passion and heat and skin against skin. Instead, it's affection and gentle touches and knowing it's okay to be vulnerable sometimes.

Will turns to wash Nico's hair, but Nico shakes his head. It's about Will tonight. Will nods, leaning in for another kiss. Nico finishes washing Will's hair, kissing each of Will's shoulders. They stand there, underneath the hot water, for another minute or so. Then the water's off, and Nico's drying Will off with a towel.

They get into their pajamas after brushing their teeth. And then they're climbing into bed. Nico takes the big spoon tonight, knowing that Will just needs to be held and reassured right now. He wraps his arms around Will, tucking his head protectively over Will's. He feels Will's hands clutching at his shirt.

"I'm proud of you," Nico says. Because he is. Will's saved so many lives, both in camp and at the hospital. "I'm so proud of my amazing, sweet, loving boyfriend." He punctuates each adjective with a kiss, and he hears Will giggle.

"And I'm proud of my stubborn, strong, adorable boyfriend," Will whispers back. He gives Nico a soft kiss. "Can you sing something?"

Nico nods, holding Will just a little closer. He's warm and relaxed from the shower, his damp curls tickling Nico's chin just a little. Nico hums a few bars of a children's song he knows from his childhood before singing softly. He feels Will's breaths evening out until they're soft snores. He finishes the verse he's on before kissing Will's forehead.

"Good night, sunshine," he whispers. "I'll always love you."

And he's not sure if he's imagining it or not, but he thinks he hears a soft "I love you" back.


just some fluff for you guys to recover from the angsty, chapter

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