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Will closed his laptop and smiled.

Professor Chiron was a nice person, everyone knew that, but now Will was starting to think he was positively saintly. He was a professor, and Will knew his exams were coming up, but Chiron had reduced the workload for him just because of an upcoming wedding! And Will was going to take advantage of this newly freed time.

After all, he doubted all professors would be so nice to their students.


He walked into his bedroom, where Nico was sprawled out on the bed. It was Will's bed, but during daytime it tended to belong more to the cats. And now, to Nico.

"Hey." Nico was stroking Nocturne's golden fur slowly and deliberately, and the cat mewed - little sounds of pure pleasure, they were.

"How are you?" Will flopped next to him, causing Halo to respond with a hiss and a yowl. He scratched the back of her neck and rubbed the fur there, and the blob of darkness sank into the quilt with a reluctant purr.

He was going to have to get the cat hair off the quilt.

"I'm fine." Nico continued staring at Nocturne, who had rolled over onto her belly.

They lay there in silence, watching as the two cats began fighting amongst themselves, Halo's dark purple colours mingling with Nocturne's pale aura. Will turned to Nico, and studied him as he watched the balls of fluff. That black...that black hadn't disappeared at all. Somewhere inside him, Will had hoped that their visit to Hades - and the punch, of course - would quell whatever that was inside Nico that made his colours so.

The colours had been more active lately. Instead of being purely black, there was some movement within them. Like a whirlpool of dark blue swirls. It looked like what Will imagined to be the end of the universe.

Sighing, Will buried his face into the quilt, and closed his eyes.


"I just realised we'll have to plan a wedding..."

Nico looked at him and blinked.

"Only now?"

Will nodded, before melting as far as he could into the bed. It was comfortable. It was nice. He wanted to stay there forever.

"I don't like planning..."

"You don't even have any work anymore, Will. You said the professor was letting you off lightly." Nico changed positions and sat cross-legged on the bed, staring at him. "We have plenty of time."

"Yeah, but Neeks, it's planning..."

He got a slap on the back of his head, and Will let out a high-pitched whine. He hated planning, and even though he knew weddings were enjoyable and planning for them was meant to be the highlight of any couples life, he really really didn't want to plan for anything at all. Planning was terrible.

Absolutely terrible.

He rolled onto his back and put his arms down, taking care not to hit either of the warm bodies that now rested near his head.

"What do you want to do, anyways?"

Shrugging, Nico ran his fingers through Will's hair.

"I wouldn't know. I haven't even seen a wedding before. Ask Percy or Annabeth, they've been planning theirs for a while, haven't they?" Nico brushed a strand of golden hair out of Will's eyes, making him grin goofishly.

"But that would be stealing their thunder..."

"Well, just for ideas." Nico continued playing with Will's hair, the movement of his fingers rhythmic and soothing. Will felt like a dog, actually. A dog being groomed.

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