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Nico wasn't able to look Will in the eye.

He had really almost done it.

He had almost jumped off that building. He had almost killed himself. He had almost committed suicide, and had thought nothing of it before.

But the worse thing was that he hadn't been able to go through with it.

Whether that was being a coward, a chicken, whatever the modern term was, Nico hadn't gone through with it, and maybe that was something to regret, maybe it wasn't. Nico would never know, because hey! It hadn't happened. And Nico didn't know what to feel, because he'd rather have died than have to live with the guilt of what almost happened.

It was plain and clear that Will was trying to ignore what had happened, trying to show Nico that it didn't matter. But Nico was no idiot - he could see the lingering, concerned gaze, the way Will felt around Nico's hands whenever he held them. It was obvious he was worried.

Nico wasn't sure whether Will should be or not.

With a sigh, he stood up from where he was on the couch, and walked towards where he kept his paints. Maybe some art would keep his mind busy. He -

Were those voices?

He backtracked towards the kitchen, where Nico realised that Will was on the phone. He couldn't make out the voice at the other end, but Nico guessed it was Hazel or someone like that.

Eavesdropping wouldn't hurt...

"I know, I know!" Will sounded exasperated. "I told you, I don't want to do it until - fine, fine, fine! Honestly!"

There was static mixed in with what Nico presumed to be a female voice.

"Ugh, okay Kayla. Fine, as you say. You realise he - " Will was interrupted by whatever Kayla had said. "No, but you have to understand, I - what the hell?! You can't just force me into it! What kind of sister are you?!" Nico could practically hear his boyfriend's eyeroll. "I said, at the earliest, next month! How do you think Nico would feel, huh? He's never - that doesn't count!"

Nico froze.

There was barely any information, but if Nico was connecting the dots right...

"No. You've got to be kidding me. I'm not doing it in a fucking park, where people could stare at us!" A pause. "Yes, well, that would be over-the-top, wouldn't it? I am my father's son, but adopted son! These things can't be genetically inherited anyways - what the fuck Kayla!" He sighed. "Listen, if you're not going to be any help, I'm hanging up."

Kayla must've protested against this, because Will didn't hang up.

"Fuck. You."

She said something, and Will whispered something inaudible back. Then, all of a sudden, he exclaimed, "Yes, we sleep under the same roof, and he's here right now somewhere within these walls! At least you could be less exasperating so I don't have to yell at you all the time, right?"

Nico stifled a snort.

"I am trying to be quiet, but you're annoying, more annoying than any sibling has the right to be. Seriously, back off the guy, won't you? No, I'm not telling - what the hell?" Will sighed. "What the actual hell? Get a date, won't you? Honestly, stop falling over mine!" Kayla said something, making Will sigh again. "No, as I said, I'm not! And even if I did, that doesn't give you an excuse to go all moony over him!"

Nico was starting to get the feeling he shouldn't be listening into this conversation.

"Don't you understand the meaning of the word no?" Will facepalmed audibly. "Okay, okay, but definitely not today. Deal? No, no, no - no! Don't you dare pester him! I swear, one of these days..."

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