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Nico yawned and stretched out his arms as far out as he could in an attempt to wake himself up.

He felt more fatigued than usual, for some reason. Probably his dreams or something. Nico couldn't remember half of them, and according to Will nor could the majority of the human population. He'd probably just had an extremely tiring dream, however that worked.

His arm made contact with something, and a yelp from behind startled him.

"Hey, Nico! You just whacked me in the stomach!"

Nico groaned. "And?"

"It hurts!" After shifting slightly, Will came into view. "Seriously, have a little more spatial awareness, please!"

With a sigh, Nico rolled onto his front, his face pressed into a cushion. "I. Don't. Care." He closed his eyes and consciously willed himself to sink as deep as he possibly could into the comfort of the couch.

"Well, you should. It's about eleven. Almost noon." Nico heard Will walk past him - probably to get a jacket, the positioning sounded right.

"So?" He yawned. "I could sleep more, if you're wondering. And we're getting picked up in at least three hours. Plenty of time." He certainly wanted to sleep more, but he doubted his body could wake up if he did. Mortal bodies were frail flesh prisons. Death was merely the preprogramed exit.

"You have your shift at the Little Duck."

Nico bolted upright.


Unaffected, Will continued gathering all his things. "Your shift. You're taking an earlier one today, right? It's in thirty minutes."

"Well, shit."

Nico scrambled to throw the blanket off, and sped around the room searching for his work uniform and his badge. Yesterday he had put everything in a neat pile somewhere, only he couldn't remember where. Which was annoying. Fuck, where is it?! I took on this early shift but if I don't show up...

Will blinked at Nico's searching frenzy. "Nico."

"What!" he snapped.

"Everything's over here." Nico turned, and saw his café uniform carefully folded and placed on the ground, peeking out from under where he had thrown the blanket.

"Oh, grazie Dio," he sighed in relief.

"Now, shoo. Wake up properly before dinner." Will grinned. "Whether you like it or not, it's gonna be one hell of a night."

- - - - - - -

When Nico got back to Will's place, he raised his eyebrows at the sight of a probably-gold convertible parked on the street.

It had no scratches - the paint reflected everything clearly, and Nico could see his face in the door. Everything was clean and pristine. Nico didn't know car brands, but if he had to guess, he'd say the vehicle was pretty damn expensive.

There was no driver, none that Nico could see. The leather seats were empty, there wasn't anything on them. Whoever their chauffeur for the night was must've taken their stuff inside Will's place.

When Nico entered, he saw Will talking with a middle-aged woman. She had long, flowing hair in a low ponytail, and wore a neat cocktail dress with kitten heels. Her handbag sat on the kitchen bench. A woman of good taste.

Will looked up, and smiled.

"Neeks, this is Terpsichore!" At Nico's look of confusion and horror, Will laughed. "No, that's not her actual name, but Dad took the joke really far."

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