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Nico couldn't move.

Logically, he knew he could, but emotionally, he wouldn't. His legs wouldn't let him walk, his mouth wouldn't let him talk.

He saw Will turn to him with worry in his eyes; he saw the man scream in rage and fury; he saw the lady glare in defiant rage; but none of it registered in Nico's mind. None of it made it past the wall he had put up when the first word of scorn exited the businessman's mouth.

Will broke into a slow jog, covering the distance between them with a few strides of his long legs.

Nico understood his boyfriend's desire to protect him. But public fear, public terror, public scorn - that wasn't something you could be protected from. That wasn't something that a loving shield could block. It wasn't the blow of a sword, the shock of an explosion, the burn of fire, not even the sting of a wasp.

What Nico experienced was a thousand paper cuts, forever opening the same, little wound, forever bleeding.

He didn't know why he expected it to be any different with Will by his side.

It's not like his boyfriend would know anything.

"You're a disgrace, Nico. You know nothing of the family name. I liked your sister better. Your sister wouldn't've disappointed me." A cold hand touched his cheeks, forcing Nico to tilt his head up.

Nico didn't know who this man was - maybe he was one of his father's lackeys, maybe sent to see what Nico was doing.

Will wouldn't know anything about that.

"If you step out of line once, you're gone," his father spat. "I don't need disobedient children. I don't have time for rebellious teenagers."

Letting his body sag, the memories washed over him, the dam that had been put there by Will's presence destroyed by the events unfolding around him. Nico had lured himself into a false sense of security. There was no getting around Hades. His father had eyes everywhere. This man was just one of them.

Hades clearly disapproved.

"You don't understand. Ever since Bianca died, you have been nothing but a disappointment. Even your half-sister has been more of a help than you have been." Hades visibly fumed. "Why don't you provide for yourself for a year? Then you'll learn exactly how much I've been giving you."

He felt a hand on his shoulder, a whisper in her ear. Oh, Nico trusted his hearing, but this once it failed him like his eyesight did. Who was it? Nico didn't know. He didn't dare turn - he so hoped it was Will, but what if it wasn't? It could be anyone.

"You think I don't care about you? Of course I do. But being gay or whatever you call it won't get you anywhere in life."

Nico heard the opening of a door, then the soft patter of leather sole on the floor - Will's shoes, he was sure of it. He would recognise that sound anywhere. It was a reassuring sound, more reassuring than his voice was.

He was also reassured that hearing wouldn't fail him. Not now, not when he was in need of comfort.

At least he could hear what everybody heard, even if he couldn't see what everybody saw.

"Colour blind? Colour blind?!" Hades raged against the whimpering doctor. "My son - my only son - is colour blind?!"

"Yes sir," the doctor said, cowering against the wall.

Nico heard a voice from behind him - it was Jason Grace, manager of the Little Duck, a person who looked astoundingly similar to his boyfriend, except a few years older with a face graced - no pun intended - by a pair of glasses. Pretty boy, some called him. Percy once joked that if only he'd kept the pretty girlfriend, they would've been a matching pair. Piper slapped him on the cheek.

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