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Nico was nervous.

He knew what he was nervous about, but Nico didn't want to let himself think it.

His hand shook as he held his phone to his ear, and Nico inwardly cursed himself for feeling that way. He shouldn't be scared. Why was he? This was just his father. The man who had contributed to his biological makeup. Nothing more.

Pressing the buttons slowly, Nico took a deep breath.

Nothing was going to happen.

Nothing was going to happen.

Nothing was going to -

"Nico?" His father's low voice startled him. "Is something the matter?"

He didn't need to do this now. No, Nico could surprise his father, watch the man react in person. Nico would feel more comfortable with Will by his side, and he would get a kick out of watching Hades react. This was pointless.

"Nothing, father. It was an accident."

"Very well, son. See you this afternoon."

This afternoon.

This afternoon, and Nico was going to see that face again. That face which hadn't encountered for, what was it, two years? Three? Four? He didn't remember anymore, and to be frank, he didn't care. Hades wasn't important to him, not anymore. He was only doing this out of courtesy, because no matter what Nico thought, the man was his father. At least he could get Hades' consent before never seeing him for the rest of his life.

That was the plan.

Nico ended the call without replying to his father.


The blonde was lying on the floor with his eyes closed and headphones covering his ears. Nico wondered what he was listening to.

Carefully, Nico removed the headphones, and Will's eyes snapped open and went from side to side, before he felt his ears like he couldn't believe the music had stopped. Then he looked up and saw Nico, who had been tiptoeing away in the hopes that his boyfriend wouldn't notice.

"Neeks..." he whined.

Nico smiled sadly.

"We have an appointment with a certain terrible father figure."

"Yeah, but that isn't now, is it?" Will made the cutest face he could muster, which admittedly was extremely adorable. "I want my music baaaaaaack."

"It's eleven. We're going in an hour." Will tried to snatch the headphones from Nico's hand, but he managed to dodge the strike. Unfortunately, since Will was taller, the struggle was extremely brief. One of the biggest regrets Nico had was not growing taller when he had the chance. It put him at an extreme disadvantage.

"That doesn't mean I can't listen to my music..." He put his headphones on again and went quiet.

Nico took the headphones off again.

"What are you wearing?"

"Neeks..." Will made a pouty face before actually considering the question. "I dunno. Something that looks good on me, I guess. At least I can win the appearance war. What do you think?"

He kissed Will quickly before grumbling, "Everything looks good on you. That doesn't narrow it down at all."

Will blushed slightly.

"Thank you?"

"You're welcome. Now, I need to find you something to wear." He stood up and left Will on the floor blinking with the pink still highlighting his cheeks.

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