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Nico hated recurring dreams.

They were...repetitive. And in that repetition Nico found boredom. Whether it be a simple dream or a nightmare, Nico hated the fact that he would be reliving the same thing over and over and over again.

Or at least, that used to be the extent of his hatred for recurring dreams.

But recently, his had been nigh driving him towards insanity.

He didn't want to watch Will die at his father's hand over and over again. He didn't want to watch that sword cut off Will's wings, grounding him forever. He didn't want to watch all these tortures inflicted on the person he loved most in the world, and Nico thought he had avoided that fate, except his subconscious had decided to make his waking nightmares invade his dreams as well.

Sometimes he felt he'd rather die than experience all that again.

The worse thing was that it looked like Will had noticed. Will had definitely noticed whatever change in behaviour had been caused by this constant worrying.

"I'm going out now, Neeks."

Looking up at Will's grinning face, Nico nodded.

"See ya! I'll get us some food!" Will closed the door with a soft thud, and Nico was now alone in Will's apartment.


He'd been feeling it more acutely lately, the loneliness. It was always there now. The moment Will left, Nico would feel a weird pang in his heart, a throbbing feeling in his mind. It would be gone when Will returned, but would intensify with every waking moment during which the blonde was gone.

It was a strange feeling.

Sighing, Nico looked to his phone, which had been spammed with notifications overnight. It was a regular thing, the spamming. It appeared that none of his close friends had a good sleep schedule. Percy and Leo, it seemed, had been up at midnight.

He scrolled through his contacts and clicked on Piper's name.

She picked up immediately.


"Piper." Nico scratched his leg, which had suddenly developed an itch. "How are you?"

"I should be asking you that, since you're the one who called me. Something up?"

"No, not really." What had he called for? Ah, yes. "I was thinking of taking the day off tomorrow. You know, since you insist so much. Tomorrow seemed like a good day."

Piper giggled.

"It's forecasted to rain tomorrow, Nico! What are you planning on doing, gonna force Netflix and chill upon Will?" Nico could practically hear the wide grin on her face. "Unintentional rhyme, go me."

"I ever tell you I like the rain?"

"You did, didn't you." Piper paused, and Nico heard her shout something at somebody else. "Well, I guess I'm not seeing you tomorrow! Bye!" She hung up, and Nico was once again left alone with his thoughts.

He was hoping that conversation would go slightly longer, if only to dispel the onset of loneliness a bit more.

Dispel the onslaught of thoughts.

Bad thoughts.

Recently, Nico had been encouraging certain ideas more. They had brewed in his mind in a way in which he couldn't ignore, and whenever he tried to use logic to get rid of them, the thoughts would provide other arguments against which Nico had no way of fighting. Because he knew they were right. He knew that eventually, he'd probably have to give in to the dark whispers.

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