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{same outfit as previous chapter}

{same outfit as previous chapter}

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childhood horrors


"For an all powerful person who took down Klaus, she seems pretty pathetic right now." Damon said as the rest of the gang gathered in. All of them were staring at an unconscious brunette that was tied to a chair.

"Powerful and strong my ass." He then muttered as he continued to stare at her hunched over figure.

However, the rest of them stared at her with skepticism. Something didn't seem to be adding up. Something was definitely not making sense to them.

Most of them had seen what had happened with her and Klaus. And to think that she could take down a thousand year old hybrid but not Damon, who was 160 something years old.

It just didn't make sense.

"Something isn't adding up here." Caroline voiced. A few of the others nodded along with her.

"What do you mean, blondie? She got caught off guard and wasn't prepared...that's all that happened." Damon retorted.

But Caroline just shook her head again. "No. No. She wasn't prepared to take on Klaus either, but she still did, which means that something is clearly wrong if she let you take her."

"I agree with seemed too easy." Stefan agreed, earning a thankful nod from the blonde.

"Witchy...what do you think?" Damon then asked, knowing that Bonnie could sense things like this. At least her ancestor Emily Bennett could.

"Yeah, Bonnie. What do you think?" Elena asked her friend.

The witch merely stared at the teacher, trying to get a read on her. Maybe an aura. But there was nothing. Nothing good. Nothing bad. It was like her powers weren't working when it came to Elliot.

"So?" Damon, impatiently questioned.

"Nothing...." Bonnie drawled. "I don't feel anything from her. It's like my powers have stopped working when it comes to her." She explained.

"Can you see her memories or cast a spell or anything?" Stefan asked her, curiously.

"Maybe." The witch whispered out.

She tried to focus her attention on the brunette. She then tried to cast a spell that normally pulled memories to the surface. Or at least thoughts to the surface. But once again there was nothing.

"No." Bonne responded to them. "They aren't working."

"Wait...can't vampires enter minds?" Matt asked, unsure of his own words.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐗𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐑 || 𝐊𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐒Where stories live. Discover now