March 19, 2015

777 14 1

Dear Depression Diary,

My depression is back, It's been back for a few months. But it's getting worse,I find myself reaching for the knife. But I never cut, I have never cut and I'm proud of that. It's getting harder to say that. They say it takes away the pain and it makes you feel better. I don't want my pain, I don't want to feel like a waste of space anymore. This time I don't think I'll make it through. Last time I went into deep depression I was very young. I remember thinking does anyone even care about me. I planned my death more than one time. But no one ever noticed that I would talk to myself about death and scream to the daemons in my head to shut up. Not my mother,father, or siblings noticed my sobes at night. They never noticed I was depressed. They never noticed I needed help.

My Depression DiaryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ