March 26, 2015

210 8 0

Dear Description Diary,

Today I realized that my old friends left me. It was a friendship of many years,as long as I could remember. We grew up together, we playing together, and annoyed are parents together. My family even moved so we could be together. I was there for her when she fell in depression and only talked about death. I stould by her I never gave up on her no matter how much she changed. We were the best of friends but all it took was a flood and I move. When the flood happened we had to move. They moved to a small town on the outside and my family stayed. We went on with are life's. She saw a reason to live and I gave up my last of my hope. She got better and I got worse. She has new friends and a social life and I'm stuck in my room crying myself to sleep every night. The thing is she doesn't care about me, we see each other because are mothers are friends. She sees me falling apart, faking a smile, trying to hold back the tears. But she doesn't care, she has her new friends now. She goes on with her new life.

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