March 24, 2015

248 8 0

Dear Description Diary,

Today I broke down again, with one small comment. I was in the middle of I class when this girl told me to shut up that I got annoying. I broke down because I realized that one day not that far away from now I will shut up. But not how everybody expects me to I'll shut up forever. Cause I can't handle comments any more, not even the weakest of the comments, because I week now. So I reached out for my razor, but I never cut. I had it in my hand for I second. But I handed it over, because I didn't trust myself with my life. All during my break down people staird at me like I freak. Because I was scared of a chapstick tube with paper inside. What they didn't know was that it held a razor, I keep a razor in my backpack. I have never cut but I still keep it in my backpack. I always take it out but I find myself putting it back in. It always gets closer to skin but it has never cut my skin.

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