June 30, 2015

65 3 0

Dear Depression Diary,
I don't remember how it is to be living my life anymore. I'm alive but yet I'm dead on the inside. Sometimes I wonder what's the point in living if you're not really living. I stoped living at the age of five. At the age of five I started to face the demons. I figured out that the world wasn't rainbows and smiles. I cried until I fell asleep and faked a smile when I woke up. I thought things that no five year old should think. I was depressed and suicidal at the age of five. I discovered that love wasn't really and the world was full of hate. All because I thought it was love at first sight. But it was just the beginning of years of pain and hate. I was dumb and naive for even believing that someone would at least like a fat little girl as ugly as me. He ruined me.

My Depression Diaryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें