June 17, 2015

90 3 0

Dear Depression Diary,
Today wasn't the best day,their was just to much going on in my head. When I entered the recovery place they diagnosed me with Major Depression Disorder,Single Episode Depression,Several Without Psychotic Features, Generalized Anxiety Disorders. They said I was anorexic but I somehow managed to convince them that I wasn't. I didn't realize that I was until the they told me. At first it was just because I didn't have the energy to do anything except lay in bed feeling like shit. But after a few weeks I couldn't take it,but than I noticed that I had lost weigh. I got a complement from my mom,the woman that called me fat for as long as I could remember. It all seemed worth it. It was as simple as just not eating and lieing,wich I have done my whole life,it was simply because nobody noticed me. I soon start to starve myself eating nothing but crackers when I couldn't take it. I'm now trying to do the same but it's harder now because my mother it watching me now. She thinks I eat two meals a day but I only eat on because makes me eat. But every time I eat something I feel horrible. I now it's bad for my health but I don't want to be fat.

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