March 29, 2015

153 5 0

Dear Depression Diary,

Today I was thinking about how I changed. It wasn't just all the fake smiles and suicide thoughts. They are the most important changes but I also changed in other ways. My world has changed. I use to look at those people that talked about dethe and think I'm never going to be like that because life is wonderful. Now I see that the person that told me that was I liar, because they lied to me. Because life isn't smiles and sunshine, in fact it's the opposite tears and pain. My friend that left me was depressed, she would talk about suicide and lay in bed crying till she fell asleep. I would tell her that life was wonderful and it would get better. But now I know I'm a liar because life doesn't get better, it gets worse. Now I understand her, now I know that it's like to want to get razor and cut, take a million pills and lay dead. But you now what's funny? I went through the same thing as her at a young age, I knew how it was. I knew the pain but I would still sit there and tell her it would get better, when I knew it wouldn't.

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