June 25, 2015

79 3 0

Dear Depression Diary,
Every time I look in the mirror I see nothing but fat. I've gotten away with not eating more than one meal and not eating anything since yesterday but I don't know for how much longer I can keep it up. I think my personal councillor is starting to notice, because I always refused snack in group. I don't know how much longer I can go without getting noticed, because my brother is coming over for a few weeks and my mom wants us to eat as a family. It's just every time I look in the mirror I see my five year old self again. The little girl that I never want to be again. She was innocent, gullible, and most importantly fat and ugly. They said I was cute and adorable but I knew I was chubby and just plain fat. I don't want to go back because that girl got hurt to much for being how she was. I spent my nights crying and wishing to be dead because of how I looked.

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