Bursting at the Seams

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The Stars and Nightmare and his gang have been getting along for a while now, and the tension between them has finally started to drop. Even so, the skeletons all argued at some points, and sore spots got hit. And, with the twins being siblings, they had the biggest disagreements.

One day, one slighted the other, and things spiraled into a massive fight. Each jabbed at the other's more sensitive subjects, and eventually Nightmare struck one particular nerve that ended in Dream bursting into tears and running off.

In the meantime, Error was bored. Nothing seemed interesting, and not even Undernovela could keep him busy. So when he saw Dream storm by, he couldn't help but follow. He caught up, and though he was unnerved by the guardian's tears, he prodded for answers. After hearing all the juicy details (come on, he was hungry for drama), he came up with the perfect way to get Nightmare back for that last insult. Now, Dream usually wasn't vengeful. It wasn't his style—he would rather forgive and/or forget. But this time, he wasn't above a little revenge; after all, he was still painfully raw and absolutely livid.

Error pulled Dream into his room and laid out the plan: they would steal one of Nightmare's outfits, then Error would guide Dream with a seam ripper to meticulously tear out every third or fourth stitch, and then they'd replace the clothes. It took a while, but the duo managed to finish the task and replace the outfit as they'd found it.

Then, they waited.

The next day, Nightmare was confused by the sound of thread snapping, and he doesn't realize why until he snagged his sleeve and the whole seam fell apart, and the other sleeve looked as if it would follow suit. Unfortunately, the rest of his outfit wasn't doing much better.

Fun fact, this was heavily inspired by a true story I came across a while ago!

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