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Trigger Warning: Covert (narcissistic?) abuse/maltreatment, including but not limited to: bodyshaming, chronic emotional invalidation, controlling, and the silent treatment. 

Blue has only recently figured out that his Papyrus has been both controlling and manipulative. It's no wonder he feels so much shame when he travels with Dream and Ink—Papyrus hates them and only makes negative comments to them. All Blue's hopes of being any sort of guard are smothered under his brother's subtle, undermining sentences. He can't ever cry because Royal Guards don't cry. He can't get upset or lose his cool, ever, because that's not what adults do. Any time he expresses his more carefree self, or gets upset in public, or anything, Papyrus tells him how embarrassing it was. There are also comments on his weight, and he's hated his body for years now because of it. Except he's only just noticed what was happening.

Life was actually the one to point out what was going wrong. After a while, Blue finally gets the courage to carry his broken soul to Ink and Dream. He spills everything. Little did he know Papyrus had managed to get a vocal recorder on him. Alphys tells him Papyrus found out.


So that's why Papyrus wasn't talking to him anymore. That's okay, home wasn't home to him, anyway! He was supposed to be the older brother, but somehow Papyrus had swept all that away and became the one in control. That wasn't how family worked. Family worked in harmony; harmony made home; home was discordant; home was not home. 

But he still loves Papyrus. And it hurts. His world just can't be his home anymore. His brother doesn't even try to communicate with him. And it's his fault. He knows it's his fault. It always is. 

He told Dream and Ink he wasn't feeling very well and stayed in his room at the Doodlesphere. When the duo returns, Dream knows something isn't right. Not if Blue's dangerously heavy aura means anything.

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