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Nightmare doesn't care for Dream. Nope. Not a chance. He doesn't care when Dream suddenly goes missing. He isn't worried when Error shows up with a frantic Blue begging him to give Dream back. He isn't searching for Dream as he combs through every universe and feeling his Soul leap with hope at the slightest glimpse of gold. He doesn't care, he doesn't care, he doesn't care...

Okay, fine. He's worried out of his mind.

He's finishing up searching through a universe when he feels a familiar despair, typically one he felt when someone was heavily injured or dying. Normally, he'd let it go, but this influx of pain felt too sharp, too familiar to brush aside. Thus, he tracks it to its source.

Someone is shivering on the filthy concrete near a restaurant's dumpster, wrapped in what looks like a blanket. They're unwell, judging from the harsh, hollow coughing tearing out of them and their labored breathing. What bone—yes, bone. The monster is definitely skeletal—he could see was covered in bruises and other wounds.

Nightmare squats beside them, trying to ignore that sinking feeling in his stomach. He turns them to their side.

It's Dream. And he is not responding at all. 

In short, Dream goes missing, and Nightmare pretends not to care but searches for him anyway. Dream is in an alley, heavily wounded and ill... and he is completely unresponsive.

The song "Brother" by The Hound and the Fox is really good for this if you want some melodic inspiration... or another song (also called "Brother") by Kodaline.

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