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Nightmare and his gang get stuck in a seafaring-based AU. Unfortunately, they get tangled up with some pirates, and they are stuck until a whaling crew notices and rescues them. This is great. Nightmare is bitter over the whole ordeal, but it's great.

That is, until the whaling crew desires repayment in the form of work. They were short of a few whalers, and they needed a few extra sets of hands. Thus, Nightmare's posse gets stuck in this AU until they return to the mainland. This could take months.

Nightmare is not happy. And his boys? They have to figure out how to acclimate to seafaring. For example, Horror struggles with keeping his balance because of his impaired motor function. Everyone jokes about Nightmare being an octopus, and he hates it. The list goes on with the rest.

Don't go into debt, kids.

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