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Finally getting to sleep was useless considering the solid 3 hours you got as the bright sun woke you up shinning through the curtains "shit" you say mumble holding your hand over your face.

coming to your senses you noticed no one was up so you went to the kitchen to grab some coffee.

Wrapping yourself in a blanket you walk outside sitting down on the grass, all though you hated coming to Harlen's house you did admire the beautiful view of Boston.

You saw Ransoms BMW his pride and glory he treated that car like it was his child making you fill with jealousy as that was your dream car, you turn back around sharp with a scoff.

You sat there and thought about how you have known him for almost 10 years and you haven't even gotten to know each other although that wasn't your fault you tried to get to know him not denying the massive crush you had on him before he opened up his mouth he never tried to get to know you.

you hear the front door slam making you jump off the grass you see ransom walking out to his car, that man had no consideration for anyone that was sleeping,

he sees you staring at him "good morning" he says noticing you wrapped up "good morning" you say with a side smile.

As ransom walks over to you he sits down beside you "you gonna come to the party tonight?" ransom says walking up to you "what party?" you say making him laugh obnoxiously "what?" you say nudging him "one of the biggest party Harlan throws for blood like wine" he says looking at your confused face.

"his publishing company?" he says making his jaw drop at your still very much confused face "he basically throws a party every year to celebrate the growth of blood like whine" he explains.

Nodding in response "cool" you say looking back out to the view "you should come" he says "yeah I guess I have to" you say laughing "see you there then kitten" he says getting into his car driving away.

Kitten? You thought to yourself knowing that one word will be on repeat in your head for the rest of the day.

You ended up sitting out there for most of the day only going inside when you needed to pee or get a refill of your coffee.

you walk up stairs and head to Megs room "hey where have you been?" meg says putting down her phone "outside" you say sitting down beside her "ransom told me about Harlen's party tonight, he said I should go" you say going through your clothes "he wants you to go, that's kind of cute" she says smirking "shut up its not like that" you spit undressing.

"what are you gonna wear tonight?" you ask grabbing your bag "well I'm not sure maybe just a flowy dress" she says lifting out a purple dress "beautiful pick as always" you smile.

pulling out a silk black dress with spaghetti straps that shows your back "hot, I love it" megs says handing you a pair of red bottom black louis Vutton shoes.

"so your getting to know ransom?" meg says lighting and taking a puff of a joint "yeah I guess, we've only spoken a few times" you say taking the joint.

"he'll grow on you" she says making you confused by what she meant "what do you mean?" you ask out of curiosity "I mean he'll grow on you, you'll start to like him" she says.

He was a playboy, you knew that so why is he being nice all of a sudden? You didn't know what was going on and you didn't want to know.

This was a short one x 633 words vote :)

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