Chapter 1

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Louis Tomlinson:

"Louis, you need to get a young girl on your side and quick." A relatively close business man tells me.

I give him a small smile. "Of course, my good man. I'm working on that," I say easily as I walk him out to his car from my mansion.

He bids me a goodbye and I fold my hands behind my back as I watch him pull out the gate and leave. One of my servants appears by my side, taking a quick glance over I notice that it was my most trusted servant, Niall, and I sigh.

"I am so damn tired of those men telling me that I need a wife already." I mutter, carelessly brushing off nonexistent dust from my suit sleeve.

"Of course, master." Niall responds.

"What do you reckon I do?" I ask, scanning over the large property I own.

"Well, I suppose either politely tell them that you are only twenty-three or just get a proper girlfriend." Niall suggests.

My fingers find my chin and I nod my head slowly before turning to him. "I suppose we'll have to find myself a girlfriend, won't we?"

"Of course, sir." He nods.

"Do you know of any good cafes near here, Niall?" I question.

"Yes I do, sir."

"Let's go have lunch there." I tell him.

He nods quickly and rushes off to get the limo driver on the line.


We end up eating at a small cafe on the corner of downtown. I had ordered a simple salad with dressing on the side along with a bottled water. Niall and I were eating when she walked in.

The first thing I noticed about her was curls, eminence bouncy brown curls. Then big brown eyes that were full of life. Her smile followed next; large dimples etched into her cheeks when she laughed.

When she spun around, her eyes locked with mine and she smiled. I courtly nod to her as she walked to the counter. I lower my head and finish chewing my food before I spoke to Niall.

"Niall, who is that?" I mumble.

He lifts his head and searches for whom I spoke softly about. "Who, sir?"

Slightly irritated, I use my fork to point out the young woman who had made eye contact with me moments ago.

"That Rose Edworthy, she's the daughter of the chief of police." Niall replies after a moment.

"Get her for me." I demand.

He coughs, nearly spits out his water, which causes Rose to look back at us.

"What?" He mumbles quietly, his voice slightly raspy from the coughing.

She again smiles at me politely and I smile back. "You heard what I said; get her for me."

"But sir-"

I shake my head and glare hard at him. "What were my instructions?"

He sighs. "I'll do it, sir."

"Thank you." I mutter and watch as Rose swiftly walks out of the cafe, a take home box in her.

I'm currently rewriting these chapters to fix any errors I saw while rereading! Hopefully it gets more enjoyable after editing the story a little bit. :-)

Comment your thoughts of chapter one (yes I know it's short but this is just an entry to know what Louis thinks/does)

I love you guys!

- Jen

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