Chapter 15

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- Rose -

"That's ridiculous, this is my wedding day!" Nicole says frustratingly after I explained what just happened, which honestly sobered me up.

Harry comes up behind her and he gives me a weak smile. "I just talked to Louis, I think you need to go speak with him."

I let out a laugh. "I'd rather not."

"Rose, just go talk to him. He's just being a baby, you need to speak with him." Harry says sternly.

I nearly groan and whine like a child, but I get up and nod. "Where is he?"

"In the front of the church." Harry instructs me.

"I'll be back." I mumble and head out of the tents.

When I approach Louis, he was scowling at the ground. His knees were up to his chest with his arms crossed over them and his chin resting on his folded arms.

"Can I sit?" I ask.

"Sure." He whispers.

I sit down beside him on the steps. "Why did you get all possessive and angry like that?" I finally ask.

Louis flicks his gaze to me momentarily. "I do not like that guy who was flirting you up."

My eyebrows furrow together. "Who?"

He lets out an exasperated sigh. "Theo James, the man whom you were speaking with while I went to get you stupid cake."

"He wasn't flirting, he was asking me if this was my first wedding; anyways, why does it matter if he's talking to me? And why do you dislike him?" I reply.

Another sigh. "Theo James is a business rival of mine, he's tried to sabotage my business and ruin me for some time now."


He chuckles. "I'll let you know when I find out for myself."

"So, basically, Theo is just a business enemy?" I ask.

"I suppose, but I just don't trust him. I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd keep your distance from him." Louis tells me.

I nod. "I will."

He smiles at me before looking at the ground again. "I'm sorry for going all ape-shit on you."

"It's alright, I guess if I was in your position I'd be pretty angry as well." I smile back and grab his hand.

"You had every right to be pissed." Louis mutters.

"Louis, it's alright." I laugh. He just nods and rubs his thumb against the back of my hand when cheers erupt from the back of the church.

"Let's go back, yeah?" I suggest, to which he agrees.


"Be safe." I smile and hug Nicole tightly.

Harry mumbles something to Louis, who just nods numbly and then they hug. Harry steps over to me and grins before embracing me and a bear hug. "Keep him inline for the time being." He whispers.

"I'll do my best." I laugh as he pulls away.

Soon after, Nicole and Harry crawl into their car and drive off to wherever they're going for their honeymoon. Louis and I stay awhile to help clean up the tents and such at the church, then we said goodbye to Liam and Sophia before going back to the mansion.

"There's two good things I have against Theo, though." Louis sighs happily as he shrugs off his white suit shirt.

"And what're those things?" I smile, gesturing to the zipper.

He pads over to me and gently unzips the back of my dress before plopping onto his bed in his boxers. "Well, I have you for one." He whispers and pulls me into a hug when I crawl into bed after him.

I laugh and run my fingers through his feathery hair. "What's the second thing?"

"I don't have to deal with kids and marriage." He sighs, a lazy smile on his lips.

I frown. "What do you have against kids and marriage?"

"Kids, nothing really, they're just annoying and always whining. Marriage, it's just a document saying you have to spend the rest of your life with one person. And if you want out of it, it takes almost a whole year to get a divorce." Louis shrugs.

"You don't want your own kids or wife one day? Don't you want to come home to someone you love and your child in the future?" I ask him.

"Sure, I guess in the far future. I mean, I could always adopt a kid and skip the whole marriage shit." He replies.

I can't exactly get mad at him over this, it's just his opinion. "What's so wrong with spending the rest of your days with a person you love?" I push.

"My God, Rose, drop it. I just don't have it in my agenda to go out a get a fucking wife and kid in this ten seconds of life." Louis groans.

"Sorry." I whisper as he turns off the lamp light and wraps and arm around my shoulders.

"It's okay, goodnight." He kisses my temple before easily slipping into a deep sleep.

He doesn't want a wife, so does that mean I'm just some teen phase? Is he really not as serious about us as he puts out to be? And what if he isn't as serious, what should I do? What could I do, I gave up my normal life to be here. I think I made a mistake by putting too much trust into this.


hello guys! let the drama begin! haha

don't forget to vote/comment your thoughts on this chapter!

What do you think Rose is going to do?

I love you guys!

- Jen

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