Chapter 16

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- Rose -

When I wake up, I see Louis sitting beside me on the bed while watching TV. Yesterday's events rattle through me and I sigh a little.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Louis teases.

"Morning." I mumble groggily.

"I'll have Liam began preparing breakfast while we shower." Louis tells me, already reaching for his cell phone.

I nod and climb out of bed, stretching my sore limbs and popping my back before heading into Louis's bathroom. I open the shower door and turn on the warm water then shut it again. Just as I discard my clothes, Louis walks in behind me and wraps his arms around me, his chest pressed into my back.

"You're so beautiful, have I ever told you that?" He whispers into my neck.

Normally, I'd grin like an idiot and lean into his usual comforting touch but today I just shrugged, uninterested in his lovey dove-y words.

I walk into the shower after Louis let go of me and let the warm water burn my skin until Louis came inside, then I changed it to half cold and half hot.

I feel something hard poking at my thigh and I glance down to see Louis wearing a full fletch hard on.

"You know what I've always wanted to do?" He asks me while lathering shampoo into my hair.

"What's that?" I ask, actually quite curious.

He leans in close, his soap covered hands grazing my bare skin like it was his drug. "Have passionate sex in the shower."

"That's probably every guy's daydream, Louis." I sigh.

He chuckles. "Most likely, but I want it to be with you. Only you can make the look of pure satisfaction when you come, and my love, it is incredible." He mumbles while kissing the spot under my jaw.

I don't respond, instead I let myself fall into the distraction Louis provides me with.

"I could do that every day and never get tired of it." Louis breathes, gently pulling himself out of me. He quickly discards the used condom and returns in the shower with me to actually get clean.

"What if you didn't use protection?" I whisper.

"Then you'd be pregnant and that wouldn't be good." He tells me while rubbing the wet wash cloth against my skin carefully.

"Why wouldn't it be good? Don't you love me?" I ask him.

His head snaps up to me. "Of course I do love you, I just don't want kids. I like what we have going on here, Rose."

"What exactly do we have here?" I snap.

He stands up, just a few inches taller than me. "Rose, what's gotten into you?"

"I just don't see why you wouldn't want to be married and have little kids running around." I say.

"I just don't want it, kids are annoying as fuck and so are wives." He shrugs, his voice raising just slightly.

"Annoying as fuck? How could having someone who loves you constantly and give up everything just for you be annoying as fuck?" I yell.

"Goddamn, Rose! Drop it! Just fucking drop it!" He yells ten times louder than me.

I snap my mouth closed, a lump forming clearly in my throat. We're both silent as we finish up the shower and then I quickly get dressed and leave the room.

My eyes begin to fill with tears, I don't even know why I'm crying, I think to myself.

"Rose?" I hear a familiar deep voice call my name.

I look to my right and see Liam with a tray of food in his hands, a concerning look on his features.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Do you have a minute to talk?" I mumble.

He nods and sets the tray on a nearby table, then gestures me to come over and talk to him on the stairs.

"Is everything okay?" He asks.

I let out a sigh. "I'm not even sure anymore. Louis acts like I'm his property and treats me as if I'm some possession of his, I'm so tired of it. Especially these last two days, I don't know why it bugs me so much that he doesn't want to have kids or be married, but it just does. I thought that he was changing and that he'd want to get married with me and we'd begin a family, but he told me he doesn't want that.

"Liam, do you think Louis is actually serious about us?" I ask him seriously.

Liam remains silent, the look on his face explaining it all to clearly.

"Oh." I whisper.

"I think he's trying, I really do, but he's never going to be the man you need or want." Liam tells me.

I nod. "I understand, thanks Liam."

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I nod once again. "I am, I'm sure."

The whole day I stayed hidden away in my bedroom, contemplating over Liam's words. I knew he was right, I just didn't want to believe him.

Louis is the type of man who can't nor won't settle down with someone.

I grab my phone and text Nicole, who's honeymoon got cancelled due to Harry getting awfully sick.

Sunday, 10:39 P.M
Rose: can i stay with you guys until I get on my feet

Sunday, 10:42 P.M
Nicole: of course everything okay??
Read at 10:43 P.M

Sunday, 10:45 P.M
Rose: yea ill come to yours tomorrow if you'll send the address, don't tell Louis.

Drama oh drama

Hello loves sorry for the delay in updates I've been busy these past few days but here's a short chapter for you guys!

Don't forget to vote/comment your thoughts on this chapter!

What do you think Rose is planning?

I love you guys!

- Jen

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