Chapter 6

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Rose's POV:

I wake up to a loud crash from downstairs. It'd been a week since I'd fallen ill, and Louis' strange act of kindness. I'm still trying to get through to him about him needing at least six hours of sleep, but we all need eight to be fully functional. Standing from the bed, I curiously saunter to the door and turn the knob. The hallway was different, the usual fake flowers that sat in the empty vase on podium like blocks throughout the long hall, had been replaced with blooming tulips and bright red roses.

I raise an eyebrow but begin to walk downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast. At the thought of food, my stomach automatically growled. A small smile twitched the corners of my lips as I see more exquisite decorations along the walls. Everything seemed to sparkle, literally. In no time at all, I reached the dining room, which was completely redone. The large windows were revealed from behind the curtains, a chandelier was in the center of the large hall, the once long table that rested in the middle of the room was removed from its spot, along with its chairs. Instead, round tables were placed around the room, they were decorated with pure white tablecloths and matching folded napkins, sparkling silverware placed beside empty wine glasses on each table.

Liam rushed in, pushing a large cart of more china. Niall followed closely behind him, a clipboard resting under his right arm while he balanced more wine glasses on a simple tray. I raise an eyebrow at the two as they passed, Niall just barely noticed me and sends me a big smile. Returning the smile, I walk into the kitchen and instantly began to sweat and be filled with the sweet scent of fresh bread and other multiple foods.

I see familiar dark tousled hair and grab Zayn's arm as he walked by. He spins around and glares at me, his golden brown eyes flickering with a fire inside.


"That's my name, what's going on?" I ask him, gesturing a hand towards the double doors.

"Lets walk and talk, I've got shit to do," He tells me, waving me to follow him as he begins to walk away. I quickly begin to walk beside him and he started explaining to me. "Louis is having a banquet ball as a thank you to all his business partners, especially Mr. Styles, or Harry as I like to call him." Zayn smirks and we slip out the back door into the yard were even more workers are setting up.

"Why is Mr. Styles so important?" I inquire, jogging a bit to keep up with his strides.

"Harry is his best friend, well, so are Liam, Niall and I but Harry is the man who funded his business. They've known each other since they were young." He shrugs, then instructs one of the workers to move something.

I turn around and see the man of the hour. Louis looked stressed and waved a worker off, mumbling an okay. His brown hair was swept across his forehead, and he was growing himself a beard. Damn, did he look good in a scruffy beard. I bite my bottom lip to keep myself from smiling when his blue eyes met mine. The corner of his lips pulled up into a smirk and he walked towards me.

"Good afternoon, Rosalie." He greets, still smirking at me.


"Yes, it's already one pm." He answers, his eyes flicking over to Zayn, who was currently pushing a large cart with folded chairs.

"I slept for so long, my God." I mutter.

"I couldn't bring myself to wake you up, I-"

"Louis!" A female voice yelled, interrupting him mid-sentence.

I turn my head to see a girl with blonde hair, big blue eyes, and plump pink lips running up the steps towards us. She smiles a pearly white toothy grin and hugs Louis, who sighed and stiffened at the gesture.

"Louis, is this Rose?" The girl asks, smiling big at me.

"Yes, but Lot-"

"Hi! I'm Lottie, Louis' sister, I'm so stoked for our day today!" The young woman, Lottie, giggles and takes my hands in hers.

"Damnit, Lots. Let me finish a sentence," Louis grumbles. Lottie rolls her gorgeous blue eyes and waits for Louis to talk. "As I was about to say, Lottie and you are going dress shopping today, go upstairs and get dressed, we'll be in the lounge." Louis instructs me.

I nod and smile to them both before hurrying back upstairs to get dressed.


"What do you think? I really like that dusty rose one, but this one makes my boobs look good." Lottie asks, her slim fingers smoothing out the creme-y white colored silk that covered her skin. The dress was tight, but in a good way. It flattered her curves and really did show off her cleavage, not in a whore-y way either.

I finally smile and nod, giving her my approval. "It looks great."

"Look, I know Louis said he already picked out your dress and he showed it to you, but I saw your face. You hate it, and it doesn't look as flattering on you as he might've though. I mean, the dress itself is beautiful, but it's not your color babe." Lottie sighs, rubbing my arm as she refers to the red dress Louis made me try on before we had left.

I shrug. "I don't know, I mean it is truly lovely..."

"But it's actually a shit dress." She finishes with a laugh.

I smile and nod. "I guess."

She stands up, pulling me with her. "Let's go try on a dress for you."

I nod in agreement and we shuffle off.


Louis' POV:

"Are they back yet?" I ask Liam, who stood in a baby blue suit.

"I haven't seen them." He answers as his girlfriend, Sophia, descends the stairs, wearing a very flattering and exposed dress.

I tear my gaze away from the two and find Niall, who was wearing a white suit with gray slacks. I approach him but he shakes his head, already knowing my question. I curse under my breath and head over to the door where multiple guests start piling in. I say hello to most, shaking hands with those I know more and such.

"Tommo!" I hear the call from Harry.

I turn and see him in a striped black red suit. "Styles!" I laugh, we hug and talk a bit before Zayn and Perrie waltz in, Perrie being the same as Sophia and having an exposing dress on.

"So, where this Rose of yours?" Harry chuckles, his long brown hair shaking as he laughs.

I open my mouth to tell him I didn't know when I catch Rose in the corner of my eye. Lottie looked stunning in her dress, but Rose, I couldn't believe it. A small part was upset she didn't wear the dress I specifically chose, but I was mostly grateful for it when she walked further inside.

The dress was navy blue, it cupped her breasts perfectly, tightened at her waist and practically flowed downward. As she walked, I noticed the huge slit in the side on her dress, revealing her leg and thigh. She turned and I gape at the back of her dress, which was practically nonexistent. It was a clear fabric that had blue fake jewelry on it at random, it dips into her lower back practically right above her ass.

"Hello? Louis?" Harry snaps his fingers in front of my face.

I don't take my gaze off her like Perrie or Sophia, instead it's as if my eyes were glued to her skin. She turns again and her eyes meet mine, ruby lips and her hair pulled up into a bun, which left her neck and shoulders exposed.

"Louis William Tomlinson, come back to earth," Harry grumbles.

"I'm here." I say, still keeping my eyes locked with Rose's. She smiles, dimples carved into her cheeks.

The music was the only thing I heard now, not the bantering of guests or clanking of silverware on plates, and she was the only thing I saw, everything else was such a blur compared to Rosalie Edworthy.

Yay an update! XD

The pictures are of what everyone is wearing btw!

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I love you guys!

- Jen

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