Chapter 17

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(Song is the theme for Rose's feelings during this chapter..)

- Rose -

Avoiding Louis the entire day was more simple that I would've assumed, considering he was cooped up in his office literally the entire day. Liam and Niall tried coming into my room, but I told them to leave me be and they would with no questions.

My lips were in a small frown the whole day, trying to figure out exactly what to do to get to Nicole's and Harry's mansion from here without being noticed. Call me a coward, but I don't want to try with Louis anymore if he's not going to either.

A small knock comes from my door around seven p.m, causing me to sigh. "Guys, I'm fine." I say as I swing open the door, revealing Louis.

I gulp. "Hi Louis," I mutter out, tucking my hair behind my ear.

He grins. "Hello, love."

I glance to the ground, avoiding his eye contact at all costs. "What's up?"

"Fancy a stroll around the garden?" He asks me.

"Uh, sure." I agree and walk down the hallways and staircase, through the kitchen and out the back door to the gardens.

"It feels so nice out here, doesn't it?" Louis smiles, his hands folded behind his back.

I nod. "It'll be a shame when summer rolls around."

He nods his head in agreement. "How're you today?"

I give him a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"Just wondering, you know, since I hadn't seen you all day." He tells me.

"I'm good, how about you?" I say.

"I'm doing just fine, thank you." Louis chuckles as we turn around when the sun goes down.

I let out a sigh. "Is everything okay?" I ask him.

"With what?"

"Work, you were cooped up in your office all day." I answer.

"Yeah, it's none of your concern, though." He replies with a frown.

"Sorry for intruding then." I grumble when we approach the mansion again.

"It's okay."

I wasn't sure why, but his response pissed me off even further. So I tell him that I was tired and I went back up to my soon to be former room and lock the door to get ready for my departure. I go ahead and get dressed in the clothes I arrived in on the first day, not wanting to have to owe him a thing by leaving in the clothes he provided.

Nicole texts me thirty minutes before nine, asking when I was going to arrive at her place. I didn't want to leave Louis without an explanation, so I tell her soon and then sit down at the desk with a pad of paper and a pen.

After writing out a full blown letter to Louis, I stand up from my seat as yet another knock comes from the other side of my door.

"Louis?" I say when I open the door and see him standing there.

He smiles shyly. "Are you coming to bed?"

"I was actually going to sleep in here tonight," I say in a small voice.

His smile fades momentarily before he nods his head. "I understand, well, goodnight then." He says and kisses my forehead before walking across the hall and closing his door.

I sigh and then grab my phone from the bed, turn out the lights, then leave the room with the door closed. Quietly, I walk down the staircases and the long halls until I reach the main entrance.

"Rose?" I hear Liam's voice.

I spin around and see a confused Liam standing in the darkened entrance hall. "I'm sorry."

"Does he at least know?" He whispers.

"Not yet, but I'll call him in the morning. I just can't do this, I can't keep trying with him like this. We want different things and I hope he can find the woman to do that, I don't want to change him anymore." I whisper back.

"I understand completely, Rose. I just don't like the fact he's going to be heart broken." Liam tells me.

"I can't do anything to fix that, Liam."

"I know, but I'll open the gate so you can go." He says to me with a sad smile.

"Thank you, really."

Within ten minutes, I'm out of the mansion and walking past a park while texting Nicole when a jogger bumps into me. I look up and see a familiar face, one that I didn't expect to see.

"Mr. James, what a surprise." I mumble.

His lips pull into a smirk. "Miss Edworthy, what are you doing out here by yourself this fine evening?"

"Just visiting some friends for a bit, and yourself?" I ask dumbly.

He chuckles, gesturing to his running outfit. "Taking my nightly run, I find it strange that Mr. Tomlinson isn't joining you, everything alright?"

"We broke up, but that isn't any of your business Mr. James." I glare as headlights appear behind him, pulling over beside us quickly.

"That's a shame, he was very protective of you. Let's see just how protective he's willing to be now," Mr. James smirks and slaps my phone from my hands, sending it to the ground where it shatters. Then he grabs me by my hair and yanks the back car door open with ease.

"Let me fucking go!" I scream, grabbing his forearm and digging my nails into the skin with much force.

He hisses in momentary pain, but grabs the back of my neck and before I knew it, my face was forced into the hood of the car. Then, everything went black.


uh oh.

(If you guys don't remember, Mr. James is Theo James aka from Nicole's and Harry's wedding.)

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What do you think is going to happen? ;)

I love you guys!

- Jen

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