Chapter 11

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Rose's POV:

Today starts the day of my conditions. I had already been by my place, which is stripped of my most precious items along with my dog. I hadn't seen Louis all day, so I currently sat on my bed with Honeybear snoring loudly on the carpet.

My phone rings and I see a text from my best friend, Jamie. I had texted her earlier, asking if she was free today for lunch.

Jamie: yeah at 2
Me: meet you at our usual?
Jamie: definitely :)

I smile and check the time. One twenty-six p.m, I had time to get dressed and call a cab to pick me up.


"Rose, where are you going?" Liam asks me.

I whip around and smile at him down the hall. "I've got plans with a friend for lunch!"

He gives me a strange smile, the kind where he's confused but is okay with it. "Alright, have fun."

"Thank you." I say and walk out the doors to the porch.

The cab wasn't here yet so I sat down on chair to wait. I pull out my phone and begin scrolling through social media, actually missing being able to be up to date on the world around us.

"Ben Jenner wants to be a girl?" I mumble. Well, I wasn't expecting that but good for him.

I glance up and see the yellow cab pulling into the driveway, so I stand up and put away my phone.


"Rose!" I hear Jamie squeal.

I turn around in line and smile at her, then notice our two other friends: Lily and Sarah. We basically do the typical group hug and grab our food, then sit at an empty table. Everything was going smoothly in their lives, I was so happy for them.

"Rose, I have to ask." Lily whispers.

"What is it?" I smile, taking a sip of my coke.

"Why did you disappear?" She blurted.

My eyebrows furrow together. "What do you mean?"

"You disappeared for a month, Rose. You didn't contact anyone, your parents have been worried." Sarah tells me.

"I thought Louis told you guys." I mumble, pure anger bubbling through me.


"Never mind, I'm so sorry for not speaking to you guys till now. I've missed you so much." I fake a smile.

"We've missed you too, Rose." Lily laughs and reaches across the table to hold my hand.

"So tell me about this Adam, Lily." I smirk, mentioning her new boyfriend.

Her cheeks flush in embarrassment and she starts rattling off about Adam, but I didn't even listen. I wore a fake happy expression and hummed to let her know I was paying attention, when in fact I was planning out Louis' murder when I get back to the mansion.

Louis' POV:

"Rose?" I call down the hall.

No response.

"Rose?" I yell again.

"Sir, Rose went out with her friends for lunch and hasn't returned yet." A servant of mine informs me.

"Oh, alright. Thank you for letting me know." I nod, silently dismissing him. As soon as he's out of sight, I sprint down to the kitchen.

"Liam!" I boom.

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