Chapter 2 Unexpected Intentions

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Laura froze. Luke continued to stare at her, while pulling out a black velvet ring box from his breast pocket. He opened it and pushed it in front of her. Laura stared at it like she was hallucinating. She had not expected anything like this and she was shocked beyond words. She was also angry at Luke for being so presumptuous asking her such a question during their first date!

When she found her tongue, she made choking noises to get the words out.

"Luke I - I can't. I'm sorry." Luke stared at her like he misheard her.

"Come again gorgeous?" he crooned. She raised her head and hardened her jaw line.

"I cannot marry you. This is too much." She got up from her chair and blindly headed for the exit. She had to get out of there.

"Wait!" Luke half-shouted and ran after her. He grabbed her arm and spun her around.

"Did you just reject me? This is a joke right?" he asked half-chuckling. She pulled her arm out of his.

"No, it's not. I can't accept a marriage proposal from you Luke. I thought we were just friends. I never had feelings for you like this."

"Laura, don't be so unreasonable. Do you need time to process things before you say yes? If so, take a week. Heck, take a month. I can plan the wedding myself." Laura staggered back.

"Wedding?! I never even agreed to this! What makes you think there'll be wedding?! I don't need time for anything! I've made myself clear. I won't marry you." she ranted back. Luke's expression darkened and Laura felt a twinge of fear.

"You're pushing my limits princess. Nobody rejects me. What do you have against us marrying? You'll be well taken care of and I can manage the company that you don't want! There's nothing but your stubbornness that's getting in the way." He growled. Laura clenched her teeth before replying.

"For your information, that is not how you propose to someone! And I refuse to continue this conversation because of your despicable attitude!" she said turning to leave. Luke grabbed her again but she wrenched away. A waiting who had been passing by with a tray full of chowder got knocked in the process, toppling the entire tray all over Luke. He let out a yell of rage as hot chowder splashed all over him. He swore strong profanities as the hot soup scalded his skin.

"My Armani! You little wretch, look what you've done!" he screeched at Laura. She turned and fled out, leaving him to shout a string of foul language. She hurried outside, looking for her car. Not seeing it, she pulled out her phone and called the chauffeur.

"Felix, where are you? I want to go home." She said. She got a shock when he said he had left because he thought Mr. Wetmore would take her home. Laura cried out in irritation. How deep was this proposal plot?

She hailed the first cab she saw and got in. she told the driver her address between her panting.

"And floor it." she added. The taxi sped out of the lot just as Luke appeared at the doorway shouting. She watched him from the back of the car, glad that she escaped in time. Luke was still in a rage as he watched her go away. He pulled out his phone and dialed his father's number.

"Dad? That wretch rejected me. She blew me off. What are you going to do about it?" He waited for his father's reply and slowly a sneer appeared on his face at his answer.

"Whatever it takes. Good. Make her pay for this."


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