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For the past few weeks, you and your new boyfriend, Sammy, have been getting closer and closer. He's honestly the nicest, funniest guy you've ever met. You're almost positive that you are falling in love with him; however, you don't think he's falling in love with you. Actually, you're confused as to why he is even still with you: You thought for sure he would have left you by now. You can't understand why anyone would want to be with you, all you see in yourself is an ugly girl who fucks everything up--even your parents have told you how useless you are.You've been working on completely opening up to him, but you still haven't been able to tell him about your depression and cutting habits.

Today, your parents left you home alone. You were relaxing by yourself in a pair of shorts that showed all of your cuts on your thighs, but since you were home alone, you didn't bother to put on a pair of pants. You were laying on your bed when you suddenly heard a knock on the front door. You were surprised because you weren't expecting anybody, and your heart started to race because any sort of confrontation with strangers makes you really nervous. Your nervousness completely made you forget about the fact that your cuts were showing. You ran down the stairs and opened your front door. To your surprise, you found Sammy standing right in front of you. Immediately a smile formed across your face, as you took in the sight of him standing there with chocolates and flowers. It soon faded, though, as you watched Sammy's face contort into a look of confusion and worry.

"(Y/N), what happened to your legs?!Oh my God they're completely torn apart! Did you do this to your self?"

You slowly started shrinking back from Sammy. You weren't prepared to have this conversation with him, yet. You were absolutely terrified that he would leave as soon as he found out. You made your way to the couch and told Sammy to sit down. He nodded, worry still written all over his face, and he sat down next to you.

"(Y/N), answer me. What happened to you?"

You took a deep breath in and glanced down at the floor. You knew you wouldn't be able to look him in the eyes while you told him.

"I did it. I did it all. I took a blade that bought a long time ago, and I dug into my thighs and tore them apart. I do the same thing every night, just so I can feel relief. Just so I can let go of some of the pressure that is constantly bombarding me, so I can let out some of the icy gloominess that seems to be running through my veins. It's the only way I know how to cope with those feelings, it's the only way I've ever coped with anything. I'm sorry, Sam. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, and I'm sorry I let you think you were dating a normal girl. I'll understand if you leave. There's no reason for a wonderful guy like you to stay with a fucked up girl like me."

You were surprised that you were able to spill out all of those words without shedding a single tear. You waited in the painful silence that followed for Sammy's response. You braced yourself for the goodbye that you thought was about to come.

"(Y/N)," he said tenderly and softly, "I would never leave you. I could never leave you, especially not right now when you need me most. I want to be the person that you can turn to. I want you to be able to turn to me in order to cope with any sort of problem. I'm willing to be a rock for you, (Y/N). I never want to see your thighs freshly cut again, (Y/N). You're so beautiful and you deserve to feel beautiful. You deserve to feel happy and to live a life you love. I'm willing to try my hardest to give you that, (Y/N), because I honestly love you more than I ever thought was humanly possible. You are the center of my world, and I want nothing more than to see you smile."

"Sammy! I love you too. I have never felt more secure and safe in my life than when I am with you. You give me a peace that don't feel when I'm alone. I am forever grateful to have you be my boyfriend. I promise I will be open with you and come to you for comfort, now. I love you."

Sammy leaned down and kissed your lips softly. Then he leaned down and very gently kissed all of the cuts on the tops of your thighs. In between each kiss, he reminded you of all the things he loves about you. When he was done, his lips found yours again, and you and him made out for a while. That night, you fell asleep in his arms, feeling warm and comforted.

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