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Your week at school was the worst. So far this year, you have been stressed more than you ever have been in your life. You've been staying up till 4 doing homework, and waking up at 6. Those long nights have been pushing you more and more to just go through with it- to actually commit suicide.

You've been depressed for about three years now, but all this recent stress has only made your life worse. School is the absolute worst environment for you. The only glimmer of joy in your life is your boyfriend, Jacob. Jacob has been your reason for holding onto life, but lately, you've hardly seen him. He's been away going to events and working in the studio, and that's barely left him any time in his busy schedule to see you.

As soon as you came home from school today, you felt so drained, but at the same time, you were super wired. You felt all the stress of the week eating at you, and you decided that you'd had enough of it. You ran upstairs to your bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet. You knew your mom had sleeping pills buried amongst the bottles somewhere. You sifted through the containers until, finally, you found them.

You ran to your room and your whole body felt like it was electric. Your hands trembled with nervous and excited anticipation. You knew that writing out letters would be too hard, so you decided to only leave behind your body, and let the people draw their own conclusions as to why you did it.

You sat down on your body and pressed down and turned the cap. You lifted the bottle and flipped it upside down, letting all the tiny capsules spill out into your hand. You breathed shakily in and out, suddenly bombarded with a strange mix of emotions. You weren't expecting to feel so happy and sad, and calm and nervous at the same time. You felt tears fall down your cheeks, but you couldn't decide whether they were happy tears or not. You looked up at your ceiling one last time and took one final deep breath. You lifted your hand to fling all the pills in your mouth, but were interrupted by an unexpected shout.

The pills scattered all around you as you felt a body fall on top of you.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing!!"

The voice registered in your head, and you immediately broke down. Jacob pulled you into him, and you clung to his solid frame. He held you tightly, as if he were afraid you would fall into pieces if he let you go. When your breathing finally calmed, and your hands began to sit still, you pulled your head back to look him in the eyes.

"Jacob. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I know I'm an awful person. I know a lot of other people have a life that's much worse than mine, and I know I should be thankful for the life I do have. It's just that sometimes, it all gets to be too much. I wish I wasn't so weak, and I wish I could just stay strong. I understand if your mad at me, but I don't know how to fix it. I'm sorry. "

"(Y/N), why would I be mad at you? You're the one who should be angry with me. I'm sorry I haven't been here for you as much I should have been. From now on, baby, you'll be my first priority. And (y/n), you are definitely not weak. You are one of the strongest people I know. And don't try to devalue your problems by comparing them to others. I know your life is super stressful and hard right now, but I also know you can get through this because I'll be right here for you. I want to be that person that makes everything better for you. You deserve a happy life, and I'm going to do my best to give you one. I love you, (y/n). "

Jacob leaned down and kissed you softly. His hands cupped the sides of your face, and the emotion in his kisses made you feel special. In that moment, you felt hopeful that life could get better.

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