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"Alright babe, ready to go?" Cameron yelled up the stairs.

You ignored the question as you stood in front of the mirror. You couldn't believe it. Two weeks ago you had picked out the perfect dress for yours and Cameron's anniversary date, and now, you couldn't even zip it half way up your back. You started crying. You felt your self fill with a multitude of emotions all at once. You were furious, incredibly disappointed, ashamed, and embarrassed. You pressed your hands on your stomach in and effort to flatten it out. You started punching your body, upset at how it looked. You stomach was starting to bruise, but that didn't make the fat go away. Suddenly, an idea came to your mind.

You ran quickly to your bathroom and flipped up the toilet seat. You had never purged before, but today, you didn't have any hesitation to shove your fingers down your throat. You felt yourself gag a few times, but nothing came up. You didn't let that discourage you, instead, you shoved your fingers more forcefully and deeper down your throat. You felt your nails scratch your throat and your stomach lurched. It brought you joy as the food you had eaten earlier that day was removed from your body. You were so absorbed in what you were doing that you didn't even hear Cameron come into your room.

"(Y/N)! Stop!" Cameron yelled as his eyes saw the scene before him.

Cameron rushed to you and pulled you up from the ground. Cameron didn't want you staying in the bathroom, and you let your limp body be carried to your bed. Cameron sat down and held you in his lap.

"Babe, why? Why would you do that to yourself? I don't understand." Cameron said.

You felt your lip start to tremble as you remembered what sparked you actions. In between sobs you told him, "I picked out the perfect dress two weeks ago for tonight, and now it doesn't fit. I'm so fat, Cam! I'm fucking obese. I can't keep gaining wait like this. I hate myself."

"Sweetie, listen to me. You are no where near fat at all. You're not even the slightest bit chubby. You're perfect babe. I don't care what the size on a pair of jeans or a dress tells you, because I can see with my own eyes that you are gorgeous. Your body is flawless, (y/n), and it always will be."

"Thanks, Cam. You have no idea how much that means to me. You're the best boyfriend any girl has ever had. I love you."

"I love you to, (y/n)", Cameron said as his brown eyes sincerely looked into yours. He leaned in and gave you the tenderest of kisses. It was the kind of kiss that could make any girl feel special--the kind of kiss that could make any girl feel beautiful.

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