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Your boyfriend Cameron was away at magcon, and you were feeling really lonely. With out his charming presence to distract you, the thoughts have been getting really bad. Sometimes the voices are mere whispers, but it's times like these, when you're left with nothing else besides you're own mind, that the whispers turn to screams. You're parents are never home, so that only adds to your loneliness. You walk to your bathroom and turn on the light. As soon as the light illuminates your reflection, you regret it. You hate yourself so much. You see yourself as being made entirely of imperfections. You run your hands over your hips and grasp the skin that's on your stomach. You squeeze your inner thighs, and you wrap your fingers around your arm. You're completely disgusted. You run up stairs and pullout an old wooden box from under your bed. You grip the cold metal blade and pull down your shorts. You start digging deep into your hips. You keep ripping the skin apart, enjoying the noise it makes, and the way the blood splatters all around you. Blood is flowing in tiny rivers down your legs and blood is pooling at your feet. The pressure being released feels so good. You were still cutting when you heard the door to your house open. You thought your parents must have come home early. You weren't too concerned because they never actually check on you any ways. You carried on with your cutting when all of a sudden the door to your bedroom was opened. Cameron stood there with this shocked and horrified face. He rushed to your side taking the blade out of your hand. He tightly wrapped his arms around you as you began to sob into his chest. "Why?" he asked. "Because I'm fat and worthless and ugly and disgusting!" you sobbed into him. He pulled you back and looked into your eyes. "No. You are gorgeous and sweet and funny. I love you. I need you. You're my world, and it hurts me so much to see you broken. I need you to promise me that you will try your best not to do this again. I'll never leave you again. I promise." Cameron said. You nodded your head and whispered, "I promise I'll try." He leaned down and kissed with so much passion. The way his lips moved against yours, the way his hands wrapped around your hips, and the way your bodies fit so perfectly together made you feel so right. In a world where almost everything was wrong, it was nice to finally feel right. He pulled away and helped you up. He cleaned your cuts and before he put bandages on them, he leaned down and kissed each one of them. Every time he kissed a cut, he gave you a compliment, letting you know how special you were to him. He helped you clean up your bedroom floor when he was done taking care of you. You spent the rest of the night under a warm blanket cuddling into him, feeling safe, secure, and wanted.

Depressed Magcon ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now