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You and Matt have been dating for a year and a half. Your favorite thing to do together is to simply hangout and chill. You were over at his house and you guys were cuddling on the couch watching a movie. He got up and you looked at him confused.

"Babe where are you going?" you asked.

"I'm going to go put a frozen pizza in the oven. I'm getting hungry. Does that sound good to you?" he said.

"Yeah, perfect."

For the past eight months you have been purging every time after you ate. Even at school, after you ate lunch you would go to a secluded bathroom that hardly anyone used and you would throw up what you just ate. You knew it was bad for your health, but you didn't care. Every time you looked in the mirror, all you saw was fat. You couldn't allow yourself to actually keep in all the nutrients from the food that you were shoving down your throat. So instead, you purged. You haven't told Matt, and you're not even sure you want to. You know how he's going to react, and you just aren't ready to get better. It's a miracle he hasn't found out on his own.

Matt walked back to the couch and wrapped his arms around you. You both cuddled underneath a blanket until the food was ready. The oven started beeping, letting you know that the pizza was done. You gulped. You always got nervous eating by Matt. Matt pulled it out and you grabbed the pizza cutter from the drawer. You cut the pizza and Matt got out the plates. You took two pieces, and Matt took three. If you were at home, you would have taken more. It's easier to purge with more in your stomach.

You ate and talked for a while. When you both finished you emptied your plates and put them in the sink. Matt started walking back to the living room, but you turned the other way.

"Where are you going, babe?" Matt asked.

"I'm just going to go to the bathroom real quick, then I'll be back."

"Oh okay."

When you thought you heard Matt sit back down on the couch, you pulled out a spoon from one of the kitchen drawers. You walked quickly to the bathroom. When you flicked on the lights, you were disgusted with yourself. You felt so fat. You flipped up the toilet seat and shoved the spoon down your throat, hitting your gag reflex. You deposited your calories in the toilet seat and then you got up and washed your hands. You looked yourself over in the mirror, just to make sure you looked normal. When you decided you looked fine, you opened the door, revealing Matt. He looked at you with concern written all over his face.

"(Y/N), please tell me you did not purposely make yourself throw up. Please tell me it was just food poisoning, and explain to me why you grabbed a spoon before going to the bathroom."

"Matt, I'm sorry." you said shakily before you dissolved into a puddle of tears.

Matt picked you up and wrapped his arms around you. He brought you back to the couch and he held you tightly and gently at the same time.

He whispered in your ear, "Princess, you don't have to be sorry. I love you so much. You're perfect. I'm the one that should be sorry. I'm sorry I didn't notice this before. I need you to promise to try your best to stop. I'll
be right here, love. Every step of the way, I'll be here for you. I love you so much, (y/n). "

You stopped crying and pulled away. You looked him in the eye and nodded your head.

"I promise I'll stop. I know it'll be hard,but I'm so thankful to have you. You're the most perfect boyfriend any girl could ask for. I love you so much, Matt. Thank you for being here for me. Words cannot describe how much I love you. "

He cupped your face and kissed you tenderly and sweetly. You guys made out for a while and then you cuddled the rest of the night.

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