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You walked into your house, and your boyfriend Aaron was right behind you. You had just come from a family party over at his house. You had a really fun time, but you were forced to eat. You couldn't raise suspicion by declining the food offered to you at his house. Only you and him were at your house now.

Aaron shut the front door, and you felt the tears coming. You didn't want to cry in front of him, so you ran upstairs. Your little sobs were audible as you ran up, and Aaron quickly followed. You opened the door to your room and went to close it, but Aaron was already sliding through the door.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Aaron said, his voice layered with confusion and concern.

You didn't answer him, and instead, walked over to your mirror. You lifted your shirt up and started pinching at your belly. You ran your hands over the middle and over your hips. You glanced at your thighs, and dug your fingers into the inside of them, grabbing a pinch of fat. You stared at yourself in the mirror, convinced you gained 15 lbs from that one meal. Your stomach still felt so full.

By this point Aaron had wrapped his arms around your back, and was still asking what was wrong and what he could do to help you. You pushed him away, knowing full well what you needed to do. You ran into the bathroom before Aaron had time to react. You whipped the toilet seat up, and shoved two fingers down your throat.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing?!" You hear Arron yell from outside the door.

You heard the door handle jiggle. "shit!", you thought. You had forgotten to lock the door.

Arron bursted through the door,band pieced together what was happening. It took one look into his eyes, before you dissolved into a pool of tears. You sank to the floor, and let your sobs ring loud.

"Oh, (y/n), come here," Aaron said, pulling you into his lap.

"Look at me, (y/n)", Aaron instructed and you reluctantly did so.

"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen on this planet. Your body is perfect. You don't ever have to change your body in order to look better, because you already look great. You will always look great. Baby, I love you so much. I don't ever want you doing anything like that again. You're too perfect to be doing that to your body. I'll help you get though this, (y/n). We can do this together. "

"Aaron thank you for being so amazing. I love you so much. You always know just what to say to me so I can feel better. I promise I'll try to stop. I love you so much." you responded.

Aaron leaned forward and kissed you. It was first a super sweet and soft kiss, but then he deepened it. You could feel all of his passion in his kisses, and you could feel his love for you. He picked you up and carried you to your bed. You made out for a while more, until he gave you one last kiss goodnight, and then he drove home.

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