2. Library

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Earth smile as he told his bestfriend, Fluke what happened in the university cafeteria.

It's been two weeks and the said guy always eating with him. Fluke been busy on his feasibility studies that's why he's nowehere to be found lately.

"Are you sure we are talking about that Kao. The basketball captain. The heir. Your cru-", his friend suddenly stop talking. Both of them turn their head when a plate and a drink is place in their table.

Earth smile upon seeing the one who occupied the seat. Fluke eyes widen and look at him.

"You two seem lively. Cute", the newcomer said.

He blush then play with his straw. He look at the one who said that and bite his lips because of the way he stare at him.

"P'Kao, uhm, he is Fluke. My bestfriend. Fluke, this is P'Kao. You know the one who helped me", he said then sip on his straw. He smile  when Kao look at him.

"Why are you here? There are lots of available vacant table", he gasps upon hearing what Fluke said all of the sudden.

He look at his friend then to the one across the table. Kao.

"This is our table. Earth allowed me to share it with him. Right Earth?", Earth feel his heart accelerate upon hearing the word "our".

Fluke look at Kao for a couple of minutes before turning to him, "I'm sorry, I need go somewhere I probably can't accompany you to the library".

He smile and shake his head, "Don't worry, I can manage myse-".

"I can accompany you", Earth's words has been cutoff by the person across the table.

He look at him. Kao stares back, he can see the corner of Kao's lips moving upward. Then, he looks at Fluke but his bestfriend focus is on his cellphone.

Later that day, he found himself walking with Kao. The silence is making him awkward so he decided to talk, "P'Kao, thank you for accompanying me, uhm but you don't need to do this".

Kao yawn and look at him, "Don't worry, you are helping me as well".

"Helping?", he curiously asks and look sideway.

"I escape our practice and planning to take a nap at the library", Kao grins at him.

He giggle but cover his mouth when he notice Kao looking at him, "Cute".

Earth avert his eyes because he can feel his face feeling hot. They enter the library, Kao grab his bag and point the table at end corner of the library. There's a window there, slightly open.

He nods and proceed to look for the book he needed on his subject. He sit in across Kao's seat but he feel conscious when the latter move beside him.

Earth smile when Kao grab a book and put it on his face as he relax on his seat and he put his head on  the edge of the chair where he's leaning.

He continue to read and take down notes and steal a glance on the one sleeping beside him.

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