8. Official

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Kao nuzzle his nose on the soft brown hair as his arms still wrap on the small body. His tense muscles relax when he feel the small arms hug him back.

"I miss you, babe", he murmur again. It's been 3 or 4 days, he didn't see nor hear anything from Earth. It's sound crazy but he become disoriented thinking what he done or what happened to Earth.

"I'm sorry", it's almost a whisper but he heard it. He look down to check but Earth's face hidden on his chest.

"Why?", Kao can't help but asks as he caress the small back. They are still wrap on each other's arms.

"Last Thursday, I went to cafeteria and saw you hugging Bree so I thought you finally come to your senses that uhm a girl still better than a guy like me", his hands which caressing Earth's back stop. He gritted his teeth. That girl. She remember again what she did to Earth.

Kao put a small kiss on Earth's temple as he remove his arms around him instead push him a little so he can look in his eyes.  Grabbing the cute face, "We're not hugging each other, Earth. Her friend push her to me. If you look closely my arms not around her like I am to you right now. You should stay so you see how I push her".

Comfortable silence fills them. Kao is just glad that Earth letting him hug and he smirk thinking the kisses he gave to cute guy. He actually wonder when he can taste that red small lips -

"I love you, P'Kao and thank you for helping me earlier", his thoughts has been cutoff by those words.

"You're very much welcome, babe. I love you, too. I love y- ", Kao stop talking and left his mouth open. Then, look at Earth. Earth is looking up at him. Blinking, then that blinding smile appears on the cute face.

"I love you", he see Earth's lips movement as he said those words.

"Again", he knows he look stupid but he need to hear it again.

Earth giggle and said those words once again, "I love you, P'Kao".

Kao close his eyes, savouring the words then hold Earth's nape as bend his head and capture the smiling lips.

As he open his eyes, Kao can clearly see the gorgeous blushing face. "I'm your boyfriend now, right? Officially", he knows he don't need to ask but ," Fuck it- you don't need to answer. I'm your official boyfriend".

Small arms wrap on his waist, a murmur follows it. "Yes, you are and you are mine", Kao grins upon hearing the shy tone of Earth.

"I'm yours, Earth so don't need to be jealous again", he tease. Remembering the reason why Earth avoiding him last few days.

"Jealous? I'm not!", Earth's voice echoes the locker room as he push his body out of Kao's embrace.

Kao laugh out loud as he notice how cute Earth is while puffing his cheeks but stop then hug his boyfriend when he grab his bag.

"I'm just teasing, Babe. Let's go", Kao kiss Earth's cheek.  He grab his own bag using his right hand while holding Earth's on the left as they left the locker room together.

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